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The success of the green revolution in India is the harmony among agricultural scientists, scientific technologies including seeds and planting materials, availability of inputs like water, nutrients and electrical energy, remunerative prices to farmers, farmer-producer co-operatives and self-help groups including formation of all women farm labour armies and lately mechanization and value addition through products development. KRISHI BHAVANS at each village act as information kiosks, Krishi Vigyan Kendras one each in all the districts of India, ATIC (Agricultural Technology Information Centres), ATMA (Agriculture Technology Management Agency) to manage scientific information flow to farmers serving farmers with knowledge and materials. There are all women neighbourhoods providing farm labour in all the farming activities. There are over 75 State Agricultural Universities with separate Division of Extension. Division of Social Sciences in over 65 ICAR-Carntral Institutes provides scientific manpower at graduate and post graduate levels. Media both visual and print have come forward to reach information to grass root level farmers. There are many Non Government Organizations working for the farmers. Despite all the above efforts there are reports of farmers suicide due to debt, crop failure and natural calamities. In a country like India where over 1250 million mouths have to be fed, agriculture production is in cross roads. Gender concerns in agriculture are being addressed with an open mind. Many universities have established "CENTRE FOR GENDER CONCERNS" for research and extension purposes.