全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Samuel Oluwafemi Ayanleye


It's my pleasure to write this short piece on the title above, Nutrition intervention and Gender Equality are things that need serious attention for development. Food security has been defined as the process by which food gets to consumers in its safest form, from this it can be deduced that rural households are normally affected by food security hence the basis of other problems. Nutrition intervention will be very crucial for FSN as I am concerned because it will inform appropriate decision making as to tackle food security in rural households, it will not be a bad thing to make sure that an average person have access to one cup of milk and one or two meats per day. Furthermore, gender Equality is important in extension and advisory services because it will give both men and women that sense of belonging they need, extension should not be biased that is all the genders must be included in decision making process and even in recent times, the role of men and women working together is not negotiable when talking about sustainable solutions to problems.

Best Regards,

Samuel from Nigeria.