全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Migration for better quality of life is a part of history and the new world -present Americas- is the resultant of such human venture. Migration needs to be encouraged in highly populated countries to lowly populated areas where human resource is the limiting factor. Per capita income from agriculture is declining compared to other avenues of employment. Space, water, energy and human labour are getting limited. The great migration of human labour from India to South Africa primarily to meet the labour requirement in sugar cane fields is history. Mechanization became a necessity once labour became costly and scarce. Only 3-5 % of working labour are employed for agricultural production in USA while 35-40% are used in India and in real numbers the figures will be quite astonoshing.

I am editing a book "ZERO HUNGER INDIA: POLICIES AND PERSPECTIVES". Any one interested to contribute chapters are welcome.