全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Dear all;

  1. For me the challenge of capacity development in youth agriculture sustaining is the enabling environment to implement the theoretical and practical capacity development (these enabling could be financial source, access to credit, access to land, and other endowments) which are the basic source to implement the aptitude undertaken.
  2. In most cases creating a form of business co-operatives can have a chance to exist with 3 to 5 youth engaging in supply chain; for instance family poultry and dairy small co-operative business in Ethiopia; yet this has its own constraints because youth similarity of interest and thoughts of the business.
  3. The problem in youth agricultural participation in Africa is not only a capacity gap on business incubation or innovation system but the start-up engine to the initial. Creating profitable agricultural production system can lead to diffuse skills and knowledge to the low concentrated district and PA as its own innovation and system development.
  4. There are technologies that can enhance development with scaling out all it package and with the innovation adopted it for each assumed youth character.
  5. Yes indeed; because it can facilitate and ease the transformation of scaling out technologies with an accelerated velocity for the implementation and success to the supply chain with filling the information and demand gaps.