全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

Many of the Youth trained have grasped the vital importance of super-imposing Business Skills on Production Skills in order to make a Success of Agriculture as a Business.

They can now Study their Business Environments, Identify their Strategic Business Priorities and use these to develop their own Peculiar Business Plans that would guide future Deployment of Financial, Material and Human Resources.

However, many of them are constrained by Finances as they are yet to acquire Loans or Grants to actualize their Dreams and Plans.

But those who have been fortunate to raise Funds are Managing their Businesses more Prudently and Efficiently - Identifying (and Negotiating) with Markets even BEFORE Production, Maintaing Industrial Harmony by Managing Human Hesources fairly to both Employer and Employee, Proactively Identifying Potential Risks (not just Production Risks but Enterprise Wide Risks Assessment) to Business Success and Mitigating those Risks BEFORE they materialize etc.

In addition, the Business Management Training has given them Boldness, which is not evident in Agripreneurs without this type of Training.

It is still early days, so it is premature to fully report Successes, but the Prognisis is certainly Reassuring.