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Most capacity development organized for youths in Africa have limited exposures to practical intervention, and field exposures to case studies,or learning routes to acquire on training contacts with practical challanges

The first huddle to break is for  youths to show keen interest in practicing animal or crop farming as a sustainable livelihood,also at the same time societal perspective and image of a youth engaged in farming need to change,because positive image and perception of the society on any profession is a booster to the professional or enterpreuneral ego to embrace such jobs as ways of living

In most Africa society agriculture is perceived as a second class jobs to white collar jobs which makes most youths to want to prefer them than getting engaged in practical agriculture

How can we create more interest in our youths to embrace agriculture a as a way of life and business.?and how will the society change her notion and perception of a youth farmer?

In Africa one of the symbol of societal respect and recognition is in the value that your profession have earned you in the face ofvthe society.This value in our society is determined by the affluence of wealth that such profession may present to the society and the community where the youths are engaged in their vocation

How may CD initiatives help to add value to a youth farmer post his training.?most CD initiatives are theoretically biased,with little exposures to practical aspects of the farming operations and familiarity with on the training risks identification and management.Most trainings are organised by privatevconsultants or NGO,which are only slated for few days quite inadequate to cover the operational procedures of such farming enterprises 

I did made suggestion in my contribution onvthevtopic Youths Feeding the Future,that an holistic CD for youths in agriculture must integrate practical training or mentorship,and this can be achieved through meaningful collaboration with existing integrated agricultural enterprises to accept to mentor our youths on short time attachments for practical exposureswhile Government or NGO anchoring such CD should place the youths on stipend allowances during the short period of attachments

Some tears back in Nigeria way back in the sixties,the Government of the .west and .Eastern Nigeria established the farm settlement strategic all designed to motivate youths into practical farming with convenience and ego,because the youths are settled in farm communities with decent accommodation and regular availability of farm inputs and social amenities

Such youths were assigned farm land and ..Animal stock of choice and housing facilities to raise them in the farm settlements 

This initiative go on with on the farm training and visit by extension officers This program me recorded great success and dignity to participants as their products have access to regular market that ensure their wealth creation that boost their public image

The positive out one of the initiative was the emergence of the first tier of successful livestock and especially poultry farmers in the south and Eastern parts of Nigeria,

However the major constraint that faced this laudable programme was instability in government and government policy such that the program me was not sustainable in most centres ,anothe critical challanges that plagued the initiative was lack is sustainable marked that lacked value addition that could attract more revenue to the participating youths

Recent development by some emerging learning routes NOT  tends to blend theory with practice,by moving participants along learning routes to see,hear and participate in agricultural proj2and challanges along the routes,a good example of such initiative is PROCASUR learning routes in South East ,..West and Central Africa.This initiative is highly commendable,and could serve as a .Train Of Trainers TOT for partivipating NGO,who in turn could group local participants in their regions

Universities in Africa have roles to playing CD interventions for youths in their regions,as such youths could be mobilized to use university research farm for training while students are on holidays

Our NGO Livestock infustry Foundation For Africa here in Nigeria,be live that youths can be mentored through exposure to knowledge capitalised field trials and case stufies that are held in lien by the  NGO.These resources by lifango www.lifango.org could be electronically accessed  to educate poultry farmers in management of critical chalkanges to their poultry projects

Cooperative association bybyouths after CD interventions to practice livestovk mixed portfolio suvh as Cattle fattening with egg production,or pig fattening with egg production ,and even fish fattening with egg production have evolved from lifango as viable portfolio that can fastlytransitba youth from poverty to posterity. 

A comprehensive ten chapter book authored by the founder of LIFA Dr .Stephen Adejoro has Been adopted for publication Lambert publishers of .Germany and translated into many languages 

The book is currently been marketed by Lambert and hopevtobuse accrued royalty to fund further activities of Lifango

In conclusion Funtiobal CD must be balanced theoretically and practically and must include a follow up to assist participants to have access to one digit loan able fund as well as creating collaboration with integrated agriculturalvgoing concerns and universities to practically mentor the youths before they move ahead to practice their choice of agriculture 

Dr ..Stephen Adejoro is the founder of Livest6 Industry Foundation For Africa  and a contract Head of Research to Zartech Limited Nigeria