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FAO Publications

FAO resources on poverty eradication and agriculture

Here is a selection of titles proposed by FAO Publications for forum participants who would like to read more on poverty eradication and the role of agriculture

This year’s report looks at rural and urban areas as a continuum, ranging from the farm level to megacities. With economic growth and population dynamics driving societal transformations, it emphasizes the dynamic roles that rural towns and secondary cities play in boosting the rural economy.

Poverty is one of the greatest obstacles to human development and economic growth. Recognizing the diverse spectrum of poor rural households, FAO proposes a broad approach with differentiated strategies to help the rural poor move from low levels of labour status and productivity towards improved employment conditions.

The document sheds light on the role that sustainable agriculture and rural development can play in curbing migration pressure in rural areas. Together with its partners, FAO is committed to further strengthening its efforts on migration within humanitarian and development contexts.

This report covers the evolution of policies for smallholder development, including the role of value chains. It proposes innovative mechanisms to improve the availability of financial services and reduce transaction costs.

This publication identifies interactions between agricultural and social protection interventions and shows the positive impacts of combined programmes on income diversification, food security and poverty reduction.

Using qualitative research and econometric analysis, this report analyses how unconditional cash transfer programmes impact crop production, agricultural inputs, labour allocation, risk management and social networks in seven sub-Saharan countries.