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"Hunger and poverty are shame to humanity" says Gandhiji. "Every thing can wait but not agriculture" so addresses the First Prime Minister of India Shri Jawahar Lal Nehru to the members of the First Planning Commission of India-Dr P C Mahalanobis and Prof.C R Rao. "Jai Jawan Jai Kissan" is the slogan given by the Farmer Prime Minister Shri.Lal Bahadur Sasthri. "Green Revolution promoted by Smt Indira Gandhi transformed India from a stage of "ship to mouth in 1947-62 to Farm to Ship 1965 onwards. Despite mountains of grains(278 million tones) and horticultural produces(307 million tones), India hosts the largest number of hungry and poor in the world.Hidden hunger due to deficiency of micro-nutrients and vitamins in the common diet is rampant. Availability of drinking water, lack of protein supplements and above all complete missing of nutrition education are matters of concern. The Forth coming book ZERO HUNGER INDIA:POLICIES AND PERSPECTIVES published by Brillion Publishing New Delhi carries 28 chapters addressing wholistically the state of food and nutrition in India.An introduction to the book is attached.