全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

The mainstreaming of better food security and better nutrition today, comes down to inspiring individual importance on health, and new biodiversity education with the correct information on proper diet. As this specific information is learned by more individuals, they will be motivated to support new farming methods that benefit our food security and nutrition greatly. This gradual process of learning and changing will be the next step in not only security for food and the best nutrition but also in improving world poverty conditions, and sustaining fruitful population growth.

The new diet will motivate Permaculture Farming (2nd best man made food source), which is the old answer to everything eloquently disguised as new alternative gardening. After a while of this planting and new way of eating; Bio-Dynamic Agriculture (best man made food source) written by Rudolph Steiner, and wild plant foraging will take the forefront of importance as this type of farming once did – when there was great food security and the best nutrition in human culture.

New Diet

Talking about better nutrition is very simply talking about a more correct, natural and optimal diet.

Today we eat three to ten mostly cooked things, on three plates daily (with slight individual variation). Here in Panama where the Nutritional Diversity study continues, the local culture eats mostly chicken and mostly fried, fried green plantains, fried yucca cassava (a great crop for food security, and excellent nutrition when the whole plant is used and prepared properly); all using hydrogenate vegetable oil (which is gut destruction if a real tribe found out just how harmful it is would likely kill those who introduced it).

Vegetables are interestingly rare on plates here in this Panamanian and Latin American culture as a whole today, even among the indigenous. Just like across the English speaking world, here now packaged, processed foods are added to the arsenal of mistakes. Insanely misguided and harmful modern agriculture and modern nutritional practices dominate this country as they do every single country on the globe.

These cultural and educational norms have shorted us incredibly on the scopes of proper or even sufficient nutrition. Every diet typed up on the web today, taught in schools, by mom, grandma or by your nutritionist, is insufficient nutrition.

Nutritional Diversity Diet, is the practice of eating at least 30-60 different species and working thy way towards 100 and more, per day /week. While modern diets argue the small points and do the regurgitated “exclude this, add this, research paper this, study on rats that” simply learning from nature we can obtain the idea from the monkeys, the cows, the bees, and the trees that a large diversity of nutrition is what makes optimal health. The Nutritional Diversity concept is a concept from nature, and it is based on all natural practice.

I must apologize in my last entry before realizing the potential of this particular forum, I made reference to monkeys as a specie that lacked imagination, this was a serious error on my part. Monkeys are one of the natural specie who I learned this concept from, and they don’t require the doctor or the dentist and so far as I can tell still have all their teeth; a feature I myself cannot boast. They look at me on my Panama farm, curiously as if they think “what are these other crazy primates doing?” I wonder if they say “he does all the work to make plants grow, something they do on their own, and something there are plenty of.” They look at me as if I am crazy and they love so free, and so happy, and they do try to to defend the forest from us forest clearing primates with their howls (The Island of Colon Bocas del Toro, Panama a principle study site, is largely populated with the howler monkey).

Nutritional Diversity Diet study over the last five years fell almost immediately into the study of eating wild plants, and the great uncontaminated nutrition that they offer. Along the way we have taken a good hard look at the way plants benefit from healthy positive human and animal interaction, Bio-Dynamic Farming principles and more to get the most of our farm and our nutrition. It is a science, a Nutritional Diversity Science.

“Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.” – Paracelsus

While the “their stomachs versus ours,” arguments throughout the various primate specie can be debated, all mammal stomachs in nature seem to be filled full of plants to the point that the waist in half digested, green fibrous and healthy shaped (refer to Bio-Dynamic Agriculture: Vortex). The healthiest human states in my experience come from the mimicking of this practice (in the ND study) and I have worked with a lot of people, a lot of ailments and challenges at this point who have all (100%) benefited “most remarkably” (their words) from this very practice versus other practices they have tried to include modern medical practices. Shove them down ladies and gentlemen, a diverse spectrum of plants.

WARNING: You cannot just go and start eating wild unknown things some of it in the smallest dose will kill you. Some will make you very sick, you must work with an expert in plants, and plant edibility testing, a food testing education which my group can also provide.

The regular human waste is a foul smelling dark colored waste most normally seen in nature from rodents and more carnivorous beings. So this being said, meats have something to do with that waste form and nutritionally meats are healthy, if the animal was loved, and their endocrine systems were left unmolested. I do not at all disqualify any meats, in fact I think that a diversity of meat eating is also essential to health.I also think with enough reforestation, and what I call living in harmony with nature like the other biological things do the Vegan concerns become smaller Optimal nutrition is a complex science and we have written as a doctrinal factor 5x times as much raw or cooked natural plant fiber (10% raw minimum) as any other food state and a diversity of 30 specie minimum for newbie diet revolutionaries. Individual assessments of lifestyle and bowel health can be quickly made from waist examination. The answer still remains the same, and this is adding in the diverse plant ratio above.

Realizing the centrally distributed modern agriculture / mono culture food supply is full of glyphosate and other harmful chemicals linked to cancers and other sickness, and the harmfulness of eating these foods and processed foods alone makes food security conversation even more nervous. It kills the nutrition conversation completely just like the soils these mono culture grown foods are  farmed on. For both nutrition and security we must seek other food sources (permaculture / wild culture, etc.).

The Nutritional Diversity diet is the best most advanced, routed in nature; miraculous diet that has ever been described on the modern diet scene. It’s effective and quickly gaining popularity among athletes. We are developing a Nutritional Diversity food supplement to help people in the every day hustle and bustle get it together right for themselves away. This is the optimal nutritional formula. It mandates a different food supply within it’s doctrine one of two primary changes to be made. The second is to eat a more full spectrum nutrition, in the starting range (according to our study thusfar) of 30-60 species per day. This requires a bit of a mechanism building for most modern humans. Gradually an optimal nutrition will be gained eating a spectrum closer to 100 different species. Mainstream this diet, and mainstream food security and better nutrition.

This diet on a regular through our testing with a pretty significant  test pool so far, means the healthiest looking waist product, better sleep, better mood, physical healing, weight-loss, and lean muscle core improvements,  joint and skeletal improvements, better stamina, and better brain function. It is my friends, the better nutrition we seek.

New Information

Could it really be a little bit of new information on how to eat better, and sufficiently, can help me twice the man (or woman) I am today? Can just this new information provide for and also motivate, bio-diversity in my life and in the lives of other individuals?

This Nutritional Diversity miracle concept is new information for most ears. It does ring that bell that rings when things make sense, and the brain bulb turn on right when hearing it.

New information today in the modern age of confusion has it’s challenges, especially concerning modern diet. Health is not understood, by today’s human culture. Medicinal practices today are some of the most intrusive, unnecessary harmful and misguided practices human culture has ever faced. Misguided guidelines and health guru’s, their business models, insurance companies , pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and I am sorry to say but people with PHD’s in biology, have been so polluted by ill research and insane science that new pure natural information, as accurate as this is even has it’s human opponents, corporate or government opponents and this is an important mention in discussing nutrition and food security. Monsanto is a perfect and most recent example of this and of new information that is harmful to the food supply, bio-diversity on this planet, and nutrition most immediately.

Having opponents today is interesting. If their is big governments and corporations who threaten the food supplies or even start wars of killing and destruction, where are those formidable opponents at all? Community is such a big part of this because, it’s communities of paycheck receiving good people that push these dangerous mistakes and interests of the rather malnourished few who design control models. It will be the Permaculture Farming and Nutritional Diversity Eating cultures that will be our guides to freedom, health and happiness moving forward. These interests will be heavy hands in securing and advancing bio-diversity. Nutritional Diversity Science doctrine is heavily rooted in the importance of referring to nature and restoring some balance opposite of technological industry to individual human life and the life of all biology in which we come from.

There is a lot of green stuff out there, we don’t know it, and what we do know we use inappropriately. We still know quite a bit and herbalogists have made some texts that have survived through time also. Food testing can be done, and modern catalogues can be made, and we do a lot of study in wild foods for security.

Loggers can take out the jungle, our bio-diversity, a billion times faster than we can reforest it.

Humans today are going to care the most when they are educated that today’s harmful agriculture and industrial culture effects them as individuals the most. Again this individual motivation will start with Nutritional Diversity Education.

This new information will upset huge industry, tons of businesses, thousands of FDA and PHD and health industry recommends. Huge agricultural chemical supply dealers to the modern agriculture mono culture system, and they will no doubt spend large budgets to protect their industry. Are challenges in food security and nutrition are great. But Let’s be very clear on what those challenges are. If you have taken a train a plane a car or a bus, around any country you know there is plenty of green stuff out there. It may not be as sweet and pretty as the other stuff but educate yourself, about how those sweet pretty foods are produced and what the original paleolithic gathered species were more like. Cooking may require more brain power, imagination and ingredients in the future. Why not?

Dis-information and mis-information, themselves are significant enemies of nutrition and food security today. Everything from salt and fat recommends are inaccurate and have been for a long time. Regardless of arguments from numerous nutritionists and people in the fitness channels who test optimal nutrition closely, certain guidelines remain unchanged and even interestingly re-enforced in opposition, something very apparent in developing countries sadly.

New Education

A new education and also a cultural pimplanted reminder module development is so important.

It is surprising to me how many students of this Nutritional Diversity way of living, do it heal from it, and then when I check in later with tehm later on, tell me they have trouble keeping there range of diversity above 30 (the minimum biodiverse diet standard). I myself will never go back to eating the insufficient nutrition that modern education examples for us. We need new education for how to eat, where to get our food from, and regarding the biology and life cycle in which we come from and depend on. This education just like the incorrect diet education of old had been, should be oriented for the young learning mind. We have developed an online biodiversity education for young people.

New education about biodiverse diet, and the individual impact it has on each of us will no doubt be the mainstreaming of biodiversity for food supplies. When people realize the benefits of this way of eating, and healing, the market for diverse agriculture practices will be in high demand. As a response to this demand, we will have man bio-diverse motives across the globe to learn and benefit from.

Our new education model will include reforestation education, food forest development, an initial basics “movie” followed by several learning episodes with the bold creative missions needed in this bio-revolution of the way we know nature and benefit from nature.

Cities from space photography mirror almost exactly microscopic images of cancer, to much man made stuff and we have a crisis of young aged cancer patients. We need new systems for living in many ways, renewable energies are here, solar systems are top of the line, and affordable. We sit on the fence of change as if afraid to go into the new era, of health freedom and happiness.


Here are a few simple ways you can pass on the knowledge.

The first is nutritionaldiversity.com where we even develop a learning show for kids and the whole family all about permaculture, nature, bio-diversity, loving animals and good food.

Most simply eat what you eat now and start adding as many different and bio-diverse fresh green non-toxic organic plants from the wild (you must be educated here, and know what you are doing) or from organic permaculture farms. Cram them in, until your waist cannot wait to leave, and you start producing shiny green waist, with undigested fiber that leaves your body in a regular two to three times a day optimal health fashion. Simply learn about a permaculture farm near you and help your friends and family, buying for them all at much better prices and way better values, to start to cleanse the toxins that all U.S. citizens blood test very high for right now. You should be able to buy your entire starting  Nutritional Diversity Diet from one permaculture farm.

New education must be simple, many contributions to this subject only other PHD’s can understand. The everyday poor person with no education understands a seed thrown in the dirst can grow, a PHD in biology thanks to modern education, will want to confuse and see papers on the process there. this direction of direction is curious and wrong if one seeks to understand biology.

Albert Einstein — ‘If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.’

“The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind.” – Paracelsus


Nutritional Diversity is the Mainstreaming of Bio-Diversity in Diet.

With all of our challenges please support our Nutritional Diversity Diet & Permaculture Education effort here.

Here is the New Education Model!

Support the Permaculture and Biodiversity Education Movie & TV Show for Kids & Family Project here!

Paper Written For Submission to : fao.org : Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry for improved Food Security and better Nutrition

It is recommended to download this in pdf format.


Continued Points:

Water is Everything.

We discuss food security, and imagine the idea in relation to the impoverished. Most who discuss the subject have not lived in poverty, how can they know it like a poor person does? Interestingly, the modern city water supply taps in the English speaking world is terrible across the board, even to contain pharmaceuticals, plastic micro fibers and some of it was even flammable..

Water pollution is drastically prevalent – most important resource is water. All biology is over 70% water, and it is a much more complex element that any of modern science realizes. Please see this information and very solid science on biology and water, and some home water solutions that you can use right away to clean it up for your family.


It’s Not When Are They Going To Stop But Who is Going To Stop Them!

Corporate, business and government interests are the greatest threats to our quality of life, ability to survive, freedom, independence and food security and nutrition.

Biodiversity itself is under serious threat and there are a few places on the earth measured to have the most bio-diversity left in them. We need to realize with our individual diet and nutritional realizations that, these zones need not only protection but expansion. Permaculture reforestation efforts and food supplies should be developed on the outskirts of these areas and others, on land not owned, or land shared in diverse ownership of individuals who did the work, and not corporations of people who buy and sell things that don’t care so much about the life their for sustained food security and better nutrition for all.

Quite frankly small groups with the right expertise, research orientation and funding can establish incredible food security and nutrition across the globe that will also inherently provide for freedom, increased quality of life, better air, less global warming issues, less discussion about population control  and optimal health for soil, plants, animals, fish in the sea, birds in the sky us everything. Fund a few Permaculture groups to go out and do this full time year round, it’s one of the smartest actions

The Native American of North America lived in a story where crossing the Mississippi river one could not help but be pelted with 100 fish and a squirrel did not ever touch the ground from that river to the Atlantic Ocean.

Food Security and Nutrition become a crisis because of a series of mistakes, which we must as a human culture take responsibility for and fix. Should we continue this road or error we will multiply the results of these errors and fall to immensely low quality of life, violence and terrible nutrition.

Who is going to turn us around? Who will save us from the corporate destruction? I think of the James Cameron Avatar production and the “Toru Macdow,” charter who decides his life mission and calling is to be a savior. I think of this reference because it’s a movie my and beloved daughter saw in 3-D together, some of the best memories I have. It is these real things I value most, and too many products of industry disgust my other cousins in nature, and I recognize that. It was Nature and Nutritional Diversity diet who healed me from the hardcore loss of my princess, a depression that actually killed me twice, and had me completely non functional for years.

Thank you for you interest in Better Nutrition, Food Security and Mainstreaming Nutritional Diversity. You can become more involved in our small humble, leading research effort in the game by contacting here. As cocky as I can be sometimes, the aim is to leave you with a smile, and say that our ecosystem and our fraction of the important research too definitely needs your help.

Most importantly now that you have read this, get yourself some good nutrition, get nice and brainy and productive and improve your own quality of life through nature. To be Nutritionally Diverse does also require that you go into nature, not just the concrete jungle whose space shuttle taken imagery resembles cancer through a microscope.

Sincerely Your Friend & Fellow Child of God,

I love you,

Brandon Eisler