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EASTERN CARIBBEAN TRADINGAGRICULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION (ECTAD CARIBBEAN) was set up by farmer leaders in 2009 to address the problem of poverty amongst small farm families.

We share with you one of our simple approach use by ECTAD CARIBBEAN Working with small farm families in several villages in St Vincent and the Grenadines,

Our approach is on promoting environmentally sustainable production and sustained profitable markets for our small farm families. We have an example of some success with one crop dasheen/taro.

The production methods used by farmers planting mainly on the hillside is a whole system instead of a mound for planting. This method saw over 120% in crop yield over 98% reduction in hillside soil slippage. Farmers and farmer leaders are clustered into groups of their own design and provided training in production, grading, post-harvest handling packaging leading to profitable market links in the Caribbean and Europe. By eliminating the inefficiencies in the value chain they saw their price increase of between 100 and 150 %, reduction in transaction cost and more competitive prices to the final buyers.

The marketing program is ongoing for over 7 years and after selling over 5 million pounds of products they have not had a claim from buyers. So satisfied are the buyers that the markets are increasing and other crops are being added. These farmers clusters are mainly headed by female farmer leaders they coordinate sorting, grading and packaging. The clusters also have a key role in setting the prices based on market information.

We are seeing successful business small farm families we are encouraging the young people in the family to be involved with record keeping and information and forecast that will help with production and marketing. We are seeing that once the profitability is demonstrated more and more young people are showing interest in farming as a business.


Jethro Greene,

Chief Coordinator,


New Montrose

P.O. Box 827, Kingstown

St. Vincent and the Grenadines, W.I.

Tel: (784) 453 1004

Mobile (784) 593 8604

Email: [email protected]


skype: http://jethro.greene

facebook tertius greene