全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

My dear colleagues, please find attached my contribution, with the following answers :


1. Does Chapter 1 adequately reflect the current situation of malnutrition and its related causes and impacts, particularly in line with the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda? What are the underlying problems that currently hinder food systems to deliver healthy diets?


Chapter 1 reports on the current situation of malnutrition and related causes and impacts, but it does not sufficiently emphasize the relationship between the effects of climate change and the agricultural situation of a climate-affected country. in particular, global warming, which leads to the scarcity of water points, and which has direct effects on agricultural production and which generates effects of malnutrition and / or undernutrition on populations unable to move on territories affected by climatic effects .

The report also does not insist on the need to adapt agricultural production according to regions, countries, the environmental context in general, for example, poor agricultural production can lead to soil depletion in water , essential element for developing agricultural production


2. What should be the guiding principles to promote sustainable food systems that improve nutrition and enable healthy diets? What are your comments about the principles outlined in Chapter 2? Are they the most appropriate for your national/regional contexts?


Overall, the established guiding principles are consistent with the predefined direction, however, it is important to democratize and popularize information. To do this, the promotion of the sustainable food system will absolutely have to go through the filter of social networks, if it wishes to impact a maximum of people; The aim is to reach the masses and thus accelerate another level of international awareness, which should be followed by mass actions to improve nutrition in all latitudes.

Many countries affected by malnutrition / and / or undernutrition, are paradoxically hyper-connected, it is to seize this asset to establish a campaign of international communication of shock.

This new approach should be the subject of a reflection on the communication strategy through the establishment of a guiding principle for the promotion of sustainable food systems: Digitization of the world implies the establishment of networks of positive influences to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

Example guiding principle: "Strategy and communication for the promotion of sustainable food systems"


3. In consideration of the policy areas identified in Chapter 3 and the enabling factors suggested in paragraph 41 of the Zero Draft, what policy entry points should be covered in Chapter 3, taking into account the need to foster policy coherence and address policy fragmentation?


Given the policy areas identified in Chapter 3 and the enabling factors suggested in paragraph 41 of the draft, the political entry points that should be addressed in Chapter 3 relate to information management. the harmonization between agrarian practices and economic, social and humanitarian development must be ensured. It is necessary to concern the autochthonous people in the definition of the agricultural public policies which often have ancestral agrarian practices in accordance with the environmental context. For example, to promote the specific crop according to the seasons of each country and not according to the economic pressure related to a neutral international consumption system.


4. Can you provide specific examples of new policies, interventions, initiatives, alliances and institutional arrangements which should be considered, as well as challenges, constraints, and trade-offs relevant to the three constituent elements of food systems presented in Chapter 3? In your view, what would the “ideal” food system look like, and what targets/metrics can help guide policy-making


In terms of national public policy, the French government has taken the firm resolve to remove all pesticides from the market to promote the development of a healthier agriculture and thus limit the effects of endocrine disrupters and other health on the French population .

In Martinique, banana producers had to find biological palliatives to protect their production against insects and to continue their agricultural production activities. For example, aerial application of banol (insecticide) was suppressed, along with this event, a farmer found that the product resulting from the decomposition of banana trunks had an insecticidal effect.


5. How would these Voluntary Guidelines be most useful for different stakeholders, especially at national and regional levels, once endorsed by CFS?

These voluntary guidelines will be useful if they are shared and sensitized to national and regional stakeholders; To do this, it is necessary to put in place means of communication strategies that will aim at informing about the advantages of adopting new methods.

He develop a fund dedicated to this strategy, which should not be taken lightly.




CEO & Chairwoman

Humanity For The World (HFTW)
