全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

2. Meaningful and feasible indicators: How can we measure progress?

For the country members of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) we are aiming to integrate indicators for the SSF Guidelines into other current or planned monitoring and evaluation schemes. This is to allow regional and sub-regional reporting as well as national. We want to have core indicators that are common to all three levels as well as some specific to each level of governance. This design is similar to the Governance Effectiveness Assessment Framework (GEAF) of the CLME+ Project. We also want to monitor how donor-funded projects are contributing to the implementation of the SSF Guidelines in the same way that many projects now report on their contribution to the SDGs. It is important to avoid asking much more of fisheries authorities and fisherfolk organisations with limited capacities for additional tasks