全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

先生 Abdul Rahim Khan

组织: Al Rafique Enterprises
国家: 巴基斯坦
I am working on:

Citrus orchards management for a quality fruit for export. Agronomic practices and supervise the fruit development. Focus on the post harvest management of fruits, pack house operation, quarantine treatments, packing, cold storage,  management and transportation.

Focus of food safety and security.


  • Co-Author of three books
  • National Expert on Smart Agricultural Transformation
  • Thirty-two years plus, hands on experience in Food Safety & Security (Lab & Field)
  • Solution provider of the concerns of farmers, exporters, processors and entrepreneurs with the expert opinion and guidance 
  • Women empowerment in agriculture sector
  • One of the pioneer member of value chain/post harvest technology sector in Pakistan
  • Development of value chain protocols for horticulture/agriculture commodities
  • Well versed in conducting trainings on multiple evolution topics for men & women
  • Planning, development and management of cold storage, CA Storage, pack houses and processing industry
  • Member, Panel of Experts, AGFO INNOVA (Pvt.) Ltd. Organization engaged in Natural Resource Management since 2011
  • Development and execution of new projects
  • Innovative food products formulation & development
  • Well conversant in the evaluation of international & national projects
  • Mentor for internees and university scholars (MSc & PhD)
  • Having comprehensive knowledge about GLOBAL GAP, HACCP, BRC, IFS, ISO 22000 etc.
  • Accomplished jobs as Consultant & Subject Expert with international & national organizations
  • Proficient in value chain development from maturity up to intended use of the horticulture/agriculture commodities
  • Coordinate the developmental tasks with other provincial and national departments
  • Worked with UNDP/ADB in their development project  
  • Co-Author of three books
  • National Expert on Smart Agricultural Transformation
  • Thirty-two years plus, hands on experience in Food Safety & Security (Lab & Field)
  • Solution provider of the concerns of farmers, exporters, processors and entrepreneurs with the expert opinion and guidance 
  • Women empowerment in agriculture sector
  • One of the pioneer member of value chain/post harvest technology sector in Pakistan
  • Development of value chain protocols for horticulture/agriculture commodities
  • Well versed in conducting trainings on multiple evolution topics for men & women
  • Planning, development and management of cold storage, CA Storage, pack houses and processing industry
  • Member, Panel of Experts, AGFO INNOVA (Pvt.) Ltd. Organization engaged in Natural Resource Management since 2011
  • Development and execution of new projects
  • Innovative food products formulation & development
  • Well conversant in the evaluation of international & national projects
  • Mentor for internees and university scholars (MSc & PhD)
  • Having comprehensive knowledge about GLOBAL GAP, HACCP, BRC, IFS, ISO 22000 etc.
  • Accomplished jobs as Consultant & Subject Expert with international & national organizations
  • Proficient in value chain development from maturity up to intended use of the horticulture/agriculture commodities
  • Coordinate the developmental tasks with other provincial and national departments
  • Worked with UNDP/ADB in their development project  


    • A community cannot grow towards any direction progressively with gender discrimination. A woman nourishes her kid from zero days and a man starts his love after the 290 days. Then, why a man can consider a woman less respectable?

      In a real and good life itinerary, a man couldn’t achieve a goal without the contribution of a woman rather in the field or at home. Level of contribution may be differ or equal but the level of respect should be the same. Wages of man and woman should be managed at the line of equality.

      A new word has been introduced in the gender discussion and that is “harassment” especially in case of woman. In some countries women used this word to escape the working or threating the men and create unbalance working/professional environment.