全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


    • I consider necessary the formation of a global network of nutrition protection in order to articulate civil society, researchers and experts to foster debate on the regulation of food and water market. Industry and supermarkets are managed by global companies, but the civil society network is not as organized and not focused on regulatory aspects. You can no longer rely solely on the participation of civil society in the CODEX Alimentarius, where their positions are limited by the interests of countries and companies that act there in an associated way.
      You need to expand your network and build a global agenda protection nutrition, the environment and life. Decisions and resolutions of this forum should be the subject of worldwide publicity and guidance to nutrition policies of countries in the aspects of food produced according to health and environmental justice.Reactions and possible agreements resulting from this process should be monitored with a view to social progress resulting from improved nutrition of people and environmental recovery of the planet. You need to expand your network and build a global agenda protection nutrition, the environment and life.

      Decisions and resolutions of this forum should be the subject of worldwide publicity and guidance to nutrition policies of countries in the aspects of food produced according to health and environmental justice.
      Reactions and possible agreements resulting from this process should be monitored with a view to social progress resulting from improved nutrition of people and environmental recovery of the planet.