全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


    • The guidelines are well put together and would be good if they also discussed women’s workloads and how this affects their ability to participate in food systems. In essence, how shall women be able to participate actively and meaningfully in food systems and all areas of life (trainings, ICT, finance issues, if part of her duties (caring for the children, cleaning the house, preparing the food, working with kitchen garden etc.) are not supported by men.

      Social norms are mentioned at several times which is good but the problem is to identify harmful social norms. Who is identifying these norms? And how can they be recognized as norms are “the normal”. People (men and women) may not be able to identify them as they are used to the social norms and have more or less accepted them? To be able to change social norms they must be identified and understood by both men and women.