全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


    • Brazil has an Intersectorial Strategy for Prevention and Control of Obesity. This Strategy was elaborated under the Chamber of Food and Nutrition Security (coordinated by Ministry of Social Development) that brings together 20 ministries. It also has the participation of civil society through the National Council for Food and Nutrition Security (CONSEAs) and the Pan American Health/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO).

      The Strategy covers 6 axes of action. The focus in these actions explains the country's efforts towards the strengthening and integration of public systems (public health care, education, social assistance) as guarantors of social rights. Also strengthening family farming as a way of bringing the production and consumption of food in a sustainable way (social, economic and environmental). Also reflect efforts to promote intersectoral actions in food and nutrition. These proposals, however, are focused of an intense discussion and may be improved. All these propositions are addressed in the Strategy, although some actions have not yet been implemented effectively.

      Below information of the Intersectoral Strategy for Prevention and Control of Obesity. There are 81 initiatives that the federal government is promoting their achievement at the state and municipal level. The biggest challenge of this government initiative is to scale the recommended actions reaching 5,570 municipalities.     

      I.        Availability and access to adequate and healthy food

      - Conducting institutional purchases of healthy food from family farms to public facilities,

      - 712 million reais invested in the purchase of food from family farms for school feeding depending on the requirement of the minimum purchase of 30% of family farming. 43 million children are fed daily in schools;

      - Restrictions on buying processed foods and ultra processed in school meals and minimum supply of 3 servings of fruits and vegetables per week;

      - Studies on fiscal measures to promote greater access to healthy foods, such as the taxation of soft drinks and sugary drinks;


          II.        Actions in education, communication and information

      - The Food Guide messages dissemination for the Brazilian population that drives the consumption of foods fresh and minimally processed;

      - Promoting voluntary and autonomous practice of healthy eating habits

      - Virtual network to support the actions of food and nutrition education - Ideias na Mesa (http://www.ideiasnamesa.unb.br/);


         III.        Promoting healthy lifestyles in specific environments

       - Promotion of healthy food in schools, health units and social assistance:

      - Health in School Program today with 78,934 schools (2015) present in 4787 municipalities with a total of 18,313,214 students;

      - EAN actions in the social assistance network present in the states and municipalities;

      - Orientation of Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding (Breastfeeding Strategy and Food) in 1348 Health Units;


        IV.        Food and Nutrition Surveillance

        V.        Comprehensive health care of the individual with overweight/obesity: attention nutrition under the National Health System, the weight of excess carrier among others.

        VI.        Regulation and control of the quality and safety of food

      -       Improving standards of labeling in packed food (ANVISA).

      -       Regulation of food marketing to children

      o   Resolution of the National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CONANDA) defines the unfairness of targeting advertising and marketing communications to children and teenagers.

      o   Ministers of the Supreme Labor Court ruled that advertising to children is inconstitutional.

      o   Regulation of sales and food marketing at school (27 municipalities and 11 states already have a law)

      See more in: http://issuu.com/informecaisan/docs/estratprevcontobesidade_versaoingle.