全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


    • Dear FSN Forum,

      The abdominal obesity epidemic (independent of weigth) may be curtailed if we may be able to stopping the myths about health and nutrition.

      1- a high intake of potassium and vit.c daily is the best resistance to sick, providing a good defense to illness, particularly infection diseases.

      2- a high intake of magnesium daily is the best resistance to danger of free iron and copper, particularly in the maintenance of insulin resistance, the fisiopatogenetic event in the etiology of obesity.

      3- as the automatization advances in the "globalizated world", people, especialy poor people, eat quickly, without any sense of conscience, and the more fast eating, the more lack of satiety, because insulin resistance is increasing (brain insulin resistance).

      4- in peru the obesity, diabetes and cancer are epidemic, even in the childhood (leukemic disease): moreover, we have the best sea in the world, the best forest (after brazil). 

      5- thank very much for this opportunity

      I congratulate you and fao if the revision: "nutritional culture and medical art in the reduction of poverty"

      is published.


      Juan Ariel Jara Guerrero

      primer comite de nutricion medica

      colegio medico del peru-  cmp 20288