全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


    • Fertilizer use is inevitable in the world of today due to high population growth and most of the arable lands are highly degraded in terms of soil fertility (physical, chemical and biological). However, to minimize the side effects of fertilizer use the following should be included in COCOFe

      (i) The COCOFe should emphasize on the quality on the carrier materials used by fertilizer manufacturers (most of them are heavy metals which are detrimental for human health)

      (ii) The COCOFe should include the application time and method for a specific fertilizer based on their solubility (most peasants especially in developing countries do not know the best way and time of fertilizer application)

      (iii) Soil testing is before fertilizer application should be emphasized to minimize overdosing which consequently cause environmental pollution

      (iv) Organic fertilizers such as manure, industrial by-products and crop residuals should be integrated with industrial fertilizers to avoid high use of industrial fertilizers.