全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


    • Sustainable soil use and management are very much important for improving soil health and quality. To maintain, soil health we need to involve all stakeholders such as producers, consumers and the processing industries. I think everyone can contribute to sustaining soil management as well as soil quality. As we all know the slogan 'Fresh soil, Fresh food'. Therefore we can consider these options: 1) create awareness among the rural people (especially men) for sustainable soil use, management, and conservation (including soil fertility and health) and gender equality; 2) increase wage for women labour (specially in developing countries); 3) motivate the family leader (men) to encourage women to spend money independently in the resilient farming; 4) recycling organic wastes as fertilizer; 5) utilization of marginal biomass to produce biochar (at low temperature) as novel C-based fertilizer;  6) promote reforestation & aforestation in the degraded land; 7) application of women-friendly rules and regulations by the state/country.

    • Dear Members,

      From my experience, I think the following concepts may lift out the extreme poverty:

      1. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA): This concept is well known in Africa and Asia. In this concept, the agricultural component will be based on the local resources. For example, if we cannot grow crops then we could include poultry or animal farming, or even sometimes change the food habit. I have experience on the development of a model for CSA in the coastal region of Bangladesh.  

      2. Year-round vegetables: In Bangladesh, there is some developed model of this concept of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) for various regions of the country. I was also part of this concept.

      I hope these concepts can help for the best 


      PhD student

      The University of Newcastle



    • First of all, I agree with the objectives. For sustaining health, it is necessary to recycle plant nutrients from the various types of wastes like agricultural waste, manure, industrial waste etc. Nowadays, biochar can also be an important contribution for sustainable agriculture as well as minimize environmental problems.
