全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

女士 Natalia Winder Rossi

组织: FAO
国家: 意大利
I am working on:

Social Protection

Natalia Winder Rossi is a senior social protection specialist with policy and programmatic experience in Latin America and Eastern and Southern Africa. Currently, she leads the Global Social Protection team in FAO, Rome, while acting as senior advisor for the Rural Poverty and Resilience Strategic Programmes.

She is leading FAO’s work in strengthening policy and programmatic linkages between social protection, productive inclusion, nutrition and resilience. Moreover, Ms. Winder has supporting governments in the design of risk-informed and shock responsive systems, as well as representing FAO in inter-agency technical discussions on the role of social protection in protracted crises, fragile and humanitarian contexts.

Prior to joining FAO, she was the Senior Social Protection Specialist (Social Protection) at UNICEF’s Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa, and Social Protection Officer in UNICEF-Headquarters in New York where she led UNICEF’s support across twenty-one countries, led the work on HIV-Sensitive Social protection, and supported the development of a regional framework on social protection and resilience. Ms. Winder also as co-authored UNICEF’s Social Protection Strategic Framework. Prior to joining UNICEF, Ms. Winder worked at the Inter-American Development Bank in social protection in the design of indigenous development, social development and social protection programmes in Latin America.

Natalia holds a Master’s of Science degree in Foreign Service (Economic Development) from Georgetown University, a Master’s of Science in Social Policy Research from London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and a BA degree in International Relations from George Washington University.