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教授 Peter Skripchuk

组织: National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use
国家: 乌克兰
I am working on:

I working in the field of ecological certification, standardization, management in relation to the use of natural environment resources, separate territories, landed resources, forests and others.


    • I studied sustainable functioning of ecosystems and areas from the standpoint of environmental certification in environmental management system.
      This methodological approach is not used in the world and I tested it in the Rivne region in Ukraine.

      The correlation is very high.
      This is an abstract of my doctoral dissertation.

      I am sure that my technique is important, simple and solves the issues of sustainable management in general areas: forest, arable land, water resources, reserves and others.
      Abstract from the thesis on Organizational and economic bases of environmental certification in environmental management system.

      Thesis to gain a doctoral degree of economic sciences, speciality 08.00.06 – Environmental Economics and Environmental Protection. - Sumy State University, Sumy, 2012.

      This thesis developed a theoretical and methodological framework for environmental certification which consists in the formation of concepts, the improvement of the main directions of development of environmental standards and certification, the scientific system of environmental certification.

      The thesis developed the scientific and methodological approach to the formation of environmental certification of natural and economic objects, which includes conducting environmental audits, design and making management decisions on criteria developed in accordance with ecological and economic mechanism for its implementation. The thesis also developed organizational and economic mechanisms,  scientific and methodological provisions to stimulate the development of environmental certification and methodological approaches to determining the value of environmental certification in the field of natural resources. The thesis identified the economic benefits  of environmental certification for the state by the example of growing organic agricultural products.

      Keywords: environmental certification, environmental management, economic mechanism, economic efficiency, ecological audit.

    • ">Dear colleagues

      In our university the methodology of environmental audit areas and agricultural land. Feature land area Polissya of Ukraine: sandy, little fertile soil. Such land subject to natural afforestation. Some plantations are aged 20 years. This is actually a new forest. Therefore, monitoring and auditing of forest and agricultural land should have common issues to study.
      ">Also studying wetlands and the impact on the natural cultivation of forests.

      ">In the files of individual publications in Russian and Ukrainian languages.

      All success. Write


      Мои пропозиции к пункту

      Дальнейшие действия


      Мы обязуемся:


      искоренить голод и все формы неполноценного питания, в частности с целью

      ликвидации таких явлений, как отставание в росте, истощение и избыточный

      вес среди детей в возрасте до 5 лет, а также анемия у женщин; искоренение

      недоедания и прекращения нарастания

      тенденций к ожирению;


       Усовершенствование систем орошения и осушения как инструментов получения продовольствия в зонах риска. Учитывать изменения климата и прогнозировать комплексные мелиорации с использованием процедур экологического аудита и сертификации  територий (земель сельскохозяйственного предназначения).

      (по этому направлению есть много публикаций и методика аудита)

      Украина, г. Ровно, Национальный университет водного хозяйства и природопользования, доктор экономических наук, професор, Скрипчук Петр Михайлович


      2 и объявить десятилетие действий в области питания

      My propositions are:

      Steps to be taken


      We shall be obligated to:

      a)  end hunger and all forms of malnutrition, particularly in order to eliminate such issues as stunting, wasting and overweight among children under 5 years old, as well as anemia among women; ending undernutrition and stopping tendency towards obesity;

      To add:

      Improvement of irrigation and drainage systems as tools for producing food in areas at risk. To consider climate change and to project complex amelioration using procedures of environmental audit and certification of land (agricultural land).

      (there are many publications and audit procedure on this subject)

      Ukraine, Rivne, National University Of Water Management And Nature Resources Use, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Peter Skripchuk


      2 and to announce Decade of Actions on Nutrition