全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


    • Thanks for promote the discussion on this important topic. At least in Latin America and the Caribbean many process are ongoing looking to introduce a territorial approach for rural development, strengthening of local food systems and the improvement of food security and nutrition.

      The main key challenges and opportunities related to food security and nutrition in the context of changing urban-rural dynamics are developed in the draft document.

      Just a few comments:

      1. The information from LAC is scarce, especially on items as consumption patterns/diets/nutrition, employment/labor, trade/markets/value chains, climate change where data could be available. Some documents of reference would be:  http://www.fao.org/3/a-i4454s.pdf ; http://www.fao.org/3/a-i4072e.pdf ; http://www.fao.org/3/a-i3069s.pdf; http://www.fao.org/americas/recursos/panorama/2015/en/
      2. On “land use” issue some questions came to my mind, for instance, ¿what about cities located in very valuable agriculture lands, is there any mechanism to protect those agriculture areas from urban sprawl? ¿what about food security implications of land use change in periurban areas?.  The answers could be found in the planning process of metropolitan areas, whatever it seems that FSN is non-priority topic when planning policies are discussed.
      3. Food loss and waste, as is formulated, sounds more as an indicator of a distortion of the food system, than a dynamic per se. For that reason this topic should be more related to “efficiency”, where the development of food systems under a more integrated way is required.
      4. The perception from the fisheries and aquaculture sector of urbanization and rural transformation could be more explained, especially for LAC, where this sector has claim for more attention and understanding. There are good platforms as the America’s Aquaculture Network conformed by 21 countries. http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/as224s/as224s.pdf
      5. Who are the “local rural authorities”? Who has the responsibility to design the rural areas? The paper should include some guidelines or criteria on territorial governance.
      6. Landscape management and local food systems could be good strategies to integrate urbanization and rural transformation  with positive implications on food security.
      • Where/how do you think CFS can add the most value to current initiatives aimed at addressing food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformation?
      1. Facilitating the intersectorial dialogue for the formulation and implementation of public policies, especially on those regarding not only urban and rural, but territorial development.
      2. Analyzing and promoting mechanisms and incentives to local governments for more integrated food systems.
      3. An example of current initiative where these challenges will be addressed is: FAO Regional Initiative “Family Farming and Inclusive Food Systems for Sustainable Rural Development” for Latin America and the Caribbean (2016 – 2017) http://www.fao.org/3/a-i5414e.pdf

       Best regards,

      Sara Granados