全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


    • Outline focus: relevant issues for this report are highlighted in the outline . 

      Chapter 1: section 1.2 could also include a brief definition of what encompasses 'rural' in this report...as highlighted in earlier comments (see comment by Flavio Bolliger) the inconsistencies in definitions may compromise comparability of cases (across various indicators such as physiological charactersitics, proximity to urban centres, infrastructure development, access to markets, etc). 

      Chapter 4 could be strengthened by including more examples of rural migration impacts (I see two for now - labour markets and remittances). Perhaps more contributions from country experiences can build on this chapter.

      Chapter 4 - Section 4.2 - 4.4 is on the impact of remittances on migration and agricultural development. The title of section 4.2 can be revised to reflect this. 

      Chapter 5: some sub-sections tend to emphasise one aspect over others e.g. section 5 focuses on impact of protracted crisis on rural migration, then section 5.4 introduces slow-onset crises, climate change. It would be good to bring to the fore the implications of climate change adversities on migration especially for rural communities that are increasingly succumbing to repetitive cycles of extreme weather events. Through specific cases, climate change impact on migration can be analysed in greater detail while questions of how these communities can diversify beyond agriculture to adapt and strengthen their resilience. 

      Case studies: southern Africa may offer insights into rural migration dynamics in relation to climate change on families relying on agricultural and natural resource based livelihoods. 

      Information Sources: it would be interesting to see if it is possible to collate information on rural migration trends (where available) from agencies such as IOM, ILO, UN Population Division and country-specific reports to feed into the section on trends. 

      Attached, a few comments on the outline.