全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

博士 Yoganath Adikari

组织: FAO
国家: 意大利
I am working on:

Testing field methods for assessing the forest protective function for soil and water

A thematic study to assess the scientific accuracy and cost efficiency of different field methods for gathering data to promote forest management for protection of soil and water, aimed at identifying a method to recommend to developing countries

AND on natural disaster risk reduction and management


    • Hello!!  A few comments and / or clarifications on the draft.

      1. Page 2. The current state of soil degradation was examined……  where was it examined?
      2. Page 5. Table 1.1 Soil regulation, I don’t get the clear meaning
      3. Page 8. First bullet.  I think the addition of the term “soil aggregation” might be more specific because OM aggregates soil particles.
      4. Page 10. 2nd bullet point.  Is it related to fragipan?
      5. Page 13. 2nd bullet point.  Construction of mini-catchment-  I don’t get the meaning how we could do that.
      6. Page 13. 3rd bullet point-  enough growing plants- does this mean increase in biomass or something else.
      7. Page 15. 3rd bullet-  rising ground water tables- I think we need to mention the location


      Yoganath ADIKARI (PhD)

      Forestry Officer, Forest Protective Functions

      Soil & Water Conservation

      Global Forest Resources Assessment

      FAO Forestry Department

      Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

      Rome 00153, Italy