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    • Hello,  due to my busy schedule  I will first send what I have started.

      1.    What is your understanding of public private partnership in agribusiness ?

      In the International Review of Management and Marketing vol 6. Issue 4, 2016, Public Private Partnership (PPP) is defined as an instutional and organisational alliance between government and business in order to implement national and international, large scale and local, but always socially significant projects and programs in a wide range of areas of activity.

      In 2013, FAO in the Agribusiness public private partnership (PPP) UGANDA country report defined PPP in agribusiness as a relation with ministries of agriculture and private sector in order to increase competitiveness, value addition, and employement. In 2016, in the Public Private Partnership for agribusiness development in the review for international experience, FAO defined Agribusines Public Private Partnership as a formalized partnership between public institutions and private partners designed to address sustainable agricultural developpment objectives, where the public benefits anticipated from the partnership are clearly defined, investment contribution and risks are shared and active roles exist for all partners at various stages through out the PPP project life cycle. 

      2.    How useful are agri PPPs in the Ghanaian context,  please provide example from your experience, what are the factors key to sucesssful implementation of agri PPPs ?

      In 2013, FAO in the Agribusiness PPPs Ghana country report presented the impact of PPPs in the Ghana context. The PPPs were initiated to improve some agribusiness domain, These had a significant impact on extension services, research and innovation development and for agriculture mechanization. The implementation of the PPPs in Ghana contributed to meeting both business and goverment interests. Farmers’ employment has increased significantly as well as their production. 

      Example the Ghana Rubber Project : it is a project between the Ghana Government represented by the Agricultural Development Bank of Ghana and Agence Francaise de Développement (AFD) of France which leaded to 6000 farmers gaining employment through the out grower scheme. About 80 percent of the income from the tree farming was estimated to remain in the project areas.

      The key factors to sucessful implementation of agri PPPs are : the mobilisation of people at the primary end of the value chain is crucial for the success of the PPP and risk mitigation, it comes with the investment in the organization of people and infrastructural facilities. (FAO, 2013, agribusiness public private partnerships a country report of Ghana). There is also monitoring and evaluation (ME) which permit to create a solid evidence base that will provide guidance on the effective design and implementation of agri PPPs and measures their impacts over the long term. (Agribusiness and value chains, FAO, 2018). Collective action is an essential feature of all agri PPPs as it helps to reduce transaction costs and to promote inclusion (Agribusiness and value chains, FAO, 2018)

      3.    How can we protect smallholders and share risks fairly, while at the same time ensuring that the agri PPP is attrative to private investors

      FAO in the Agribusiness and Value Chains in 2018 publised that agri PPPs should aim to share risks fairly among partners and include risk management mechanisms to protect the most vulnerable. These mechanisms include agricultural insurance schemes, gurarantees, subsidised loqns for smqll scale farmers and firmsm secure purchasing contrats, business management training for farmer organisations, and risk sharing stipulations in case of force majeur. Policy maker promoting agri PPPs for poverty reduction objectives should consider that a certain level of skils and assets are required to be a suitable candidate for participation in these partnerships. This will likely exclude the poorest unless heavy investment is made in long term capacity development.

    • Major Achievement and success stories.

      I am Yves Stephane NGALEU, from Cameroon and I work with the Cameroon government under the ministry of agriculture and rural development as agriculture chief of post, Extension worker and agriculture advisory service actor in a rural community call NKOLNTSA, based at SA’A, LEKIE, CENTER Region - Cameroon

      I am a member of civil society Organisations where I work actively as volunteer to participate in the achievement of the United Nation Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). From these organisations I have achieved exceptional skills on social entrepreneurship, fundraising, etc. that permit me to work more than just a civil servant.

      I would like to search my experience when I was just nominated agriculture chief of post and I was working under my sub divisional delegate who have little knowledge on social entrepreneurship, fundraising and on the SDG.

      I was nominated to a post having more than 20 big villages with about 22 000 population with 6600 farmers (the largest post of the sub-division) in a rural area with little or no mobile network, thus no internet connection. The only budget that was allocated to me was for transport, no communication, no office materiel etc. the agri-post is not built so there no office. The local population of that community are fully in agriculture but they don’t consider the government agent in the field due to the fact that they were abandoned and neglected by the other chief of post. Their major needs are capacity building, farms equipment, available market and finance

      The challenges I had, was to motivate the local population, build their capacity and ameliorate sustainably their farm productivity.

      The beginning was not easy because there no office. I had to put in place a strategy that will permit me to touch effectively almost all the villages. I put in place a time table by village, I targeted active and non-active farms group that I started working with them. It was not easy to have most of the members during the working sessions. I then decided to innovated and organise an agriculture seminar.

      To best organise this seminar I needed support from partners, from my hierarchy and the mayor. The potential partners were base in the Capital city which is about 72km² from the village, I needed communication network to raise awareness on the event I started by allocating to the capital city where I am still living up to date, I created a blog (my first blog). With some of the local population we identify the main objective of the seminar, which were presented to my hierarchy and rejected by them due to the fact that they have little or no knowledge on social entrepreneurship and fund raising, and they said there is no budget for such a seminar at their level and that I don’t have the necessary capacity to organise such an event. I then put in place an organisation group made up of the local population to carry out the project, their capacity where being reinforce on leadership, management, on event planning and follow up. We identified and contacted some partners. Some of them respond positively by providing farms equipment and input for farmer and educative material for the event. Those who contacted my hierarchy where discouraged and didn’t support us. In other to raise funds for feeding and refreshment, farmers propose a registration fee. I put two month of my salary on to support the organisation of the event.

      At the end of the event, we had about 100 farmers impacted, learning materials, pesticides and farm equipment distributed to farmers.

      Due to this seminar, farmers now considering me, all villages even those who did take part at the event are asking for a second edition, I now count 2 new farmers organisations, recently on June 2018, one of the groups received a donation from the regional delegate of agriculture.

      Here is the link of the report https://enjealnysagro.wordpress.com/2017/12/11/rapport-du-seminaire-du-poste-agricole-de-saa/

      This is the link for blog https://enjealnysagro.wordpress.com/

    • One of the biggest challenge youth face after going through specific CD initiative is lack of support, it could be moral, equipment and / or financial. In Cameroon, there is a project call "Programme de Promotion de l'Entrepreneuriat Agropastoral des Jeunes ", this program empowers youth for three months and at the end of their capacity development on good agricultural practices, management and how to write a project, they will present a project that is going to be financed as follows: government supports 50% of the total capital, the youth brings 10% of the total capital and there a loan of 40% by a microfinance Institute.

      Often after the training some youth are not able to mobilise their 10%, some doesn't have guaranty for the loan. But those who are able to benefit from this opportunity, create job for their self and for other youth in their community. They are able to transfer what they acquire to other youth and serve as examples and model for the future beneficiaries of the program.