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Agricultural Extension Services at Crossroads: present dilemma and possible solutions for future in Uganda

Agricultural extension in Uganda has undergone a number of transformations from regulatory 1920-1956, advisory 1956-1963, advisory Education 1964-1971, dormancy 1972-1981, recovery 1982-1999, Educational 1992-1996, participatory education 1997-1998, Decentralized Education 1997-2001 and now Agricultural services under contract extension systems. Each of those up to 1997-2001 had strengths to build on and weaknesses to change or improve, but had challenges of the socio-economic and political environment. In addition there have been marked changes in the concept of agriculture, which is increasingly seen in terms of commercial or farming for market with emphasis on modernization of agriculture and use of participatory approaches in the process.

The dilemma is that the majority of the Ugandan farming community is predominately peasantry/subsistence with a small fraction that can be regarded emergent farmers. Such population may not respond sustainably to the now farmer owned contract extension system including changing patterns of donors.

The paper examines a range of issues including training needs, identification of theses needs for more relevant and responsive curricula, the key role of service provider’s development in creating learning organizations, developing a strategy for linkages/ learning webs or net works and for more sustainable donor interventions.
