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FAO/GIEWS monthly report on food price trends

The latest issue of the FPMA Bulletin FAO/GIEWS monthly report on food price trends at world, regional and country level with a focus on countries where prices of one or more basic food commodity are at abnormal high levels in main markets.

Main highlights of this issue are the general decline of wheat and maize prices in the international market; while at sub-regional level, the further increase in cereal prices in East Africa and in the Southern Hemisphere countries the downward pressure on maize prices exerted by overall favourable production prospects in 2017

Key Messages

  • Wheat prices generally declined in April, on account of ample supplies and generally favourable outlook for the 2017 harvest. Export prices of maize remained under downward pressure, mainly reflecting expectations of bumper crops in Southern Hemisphere countries. By contrast, international rice prices increased, supported by a rebound in trade activity, especially due to accelerated sales to countries of the Near East.
  • In East Africa, cereal prices rose further in April and reached record or near‑record levels in most countries. Prices were underpinned by tight supplies, following drought-reduced 2016 second season outputs, and uncertain prospects for the upcoming 2017 harvests due to drier‑than‑average conditions and armyworm infestation affecting key‑growing areas.
  • In Southern Hemisphere countries, favourable maize production prospects kept domestic prices under downward pressure in April and below their year-earlier levels. In Brazil, where a bumper first season crop is being harvested, maize prices declined sharply in April and averaged some 40 percent lower than a year earlier. In South Africa, expectations of a near‑record output pushed down white maize prices for the fourth consecutive month to less than half their year-earlier levels.

The report can be accessed through the following link:








Food Based Dietary Guidelines

FAO’s Food Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDGs) website aims to serve as a repository for government-endorsed FBDGs and associated information, presented in an organized and homogenous format. It also functions as a platform for relevant resources that touch on the design, implementation and evaluation...


The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) report for 2016 has been released

The State of Food and Agriculture 2016 report (SOFA 2016), FAO’s annual flagship publication, has been released yesterday.

SOFA assesses issues on agricultural and rural development in the context of global food security. This year’s SOFA report centres on the double challenge of food security and climate change, presenting alternatives to tackle the two as a whole.

The report and furher information are available in all UN six languages at: http://www.fao.org/publications/sofa/en/

International Colloquium on Food Security and Nutrition

The HLPE has co-organized with the University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart) an International Colloquium inviting scientists and experts from public institutions, civil society and the private sector to discuss the challenges that the 2030 Agenda implies for science and knowledge with regard to food systems. The Results of this dialogue will contribute to the upcoming global consultation process for the identification of “Critical and Emerging Issues for Food Security and Nutrition”.

The colloquium will take place in Stuttgart on the 27 September 2016, starting at 10.00 CEST (8.00 a.m. UTC).

The event will be webcast and can be followed live at this link (Silverlight must be installed)

Postdoctoral and PhD positions in Biodiversity, resilience and food security

UCD Dublin is recruiting for 3 postdoctoral positions (one based at UCD and two based at Queen's University Belfast) and 1 PhD position (based at UCD) for the project Biodiversity, resilience and food security: understanding the role of biodiversity in maintaining food production.




Nutrition and food security: challenges for the future

Save the Children is organising an High-Level Event on “Nutrition and food security: challenges for the future” on 11 July in Rome. The aim of the event is to facilitate dialogue with key stakeholders on the importance of investing in nutrition and food security, also in view of the Nutrition for Growth Summit in Rio and the Italian G7 Presidency.

The Concept Note with the agenda of the event are attached.

For further information please contact: [email protected]



Vacancy Announcement: Policy Officer for FIRST Programme

Food and Nutrition Security Impact, Resilience, Sustainability and Transformation (FIRST) is a FAO and the European Union partnership programme with the purpose of providing a policy assistance mechanism for improved food security and nutrition and sustainable agriculture.

FIRST has a vacancy in Pakistan for a Policy Officer, who will work under the overall technical guidance of FIRST Manager (FAO/Rome) and working in close collaboration with the EU Delegation and relevant government ministries/institutions, as well as other stakeholders and development partners. The officer will seek to develop and implement coherent, nitrated, and effective policy assistance and capacity development. The officer will work to provide technical and policy advice and supports the Government of Sindh in development and implementation of their strategies and policies including the Zero Hunger. The officer will facilitate and advocate for an inclusive policy dialogue and supports the establishment of multi-sectoral food and nutrition coordination mechanisms and institutional structures such as SUN, IPC TWG etc. at the federal, provincial and regional level as well as developing strategic partnerships around FNSSA.

The VA closing date is 15 July 2016.

The full VA, including a detailed list of key functions, may be found at: http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/VA/pdf/IRC3417.pdf