全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


    • Feedback from WFP Nutrition division:

      Under point 4 (feedback on report development), the following key points are missing:

      - A focus on inequalities and barriers presents within food-processing systems, which are essential to transform agricultural products safely, hygienically, and according to international and national standards/guidelines. Most food loss among smallholder farmers occurs between the production and the processing phases in LMICs due to a lack of technology, equipment, and processing facilities.

      - A focus on women throughout the entire food system, as they are not just experiencing inequalities in the food production systems (inequalities in land rights, access to resources, credit, or inputs, and higher value lands) but also in primary and secondary food processing, and local food distribution (often as street vendors) and consumption (principal caregiver, last to eat, heavy workloads, etc).

      The current outline seems very focused on food security vs nutrition. It would be interesting to frame equality around nutrition when nutrient needs are not equal.

      Missing points around c.ii. because human rights are not the same as legal rights, so good governance should be expanded to explicitly include shifting norms to create the enabling environment needed to claim rights. (e.g. just because the government says that pregnant and lactating women have higher needs and should get more/better quality food, doesn’t mean that it will trickle down to practice in the community or household if there are other social structures or taboos that drive practice).