全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

先生 Peter Kiplangat CHERUIYOT

组织: Ecosystem & Social Economic Development Organisation
国家: 肯尼亚
I am working on:

Food Security and climate climate change resilience among the indigenous hunter gatherers of Kenya.

An Executive Director of the Ecosystem & Social Economic Development Organisation which is an NGO registered in 2010 based in Kenya, Africa and a member of the forest dweller the Ogiek , the hunter gatherers, Indigenous minority community of Mau forest..

ESEDO main goals includes of acceleration to climate change resilient, low emissions, green economic growth, empowerment on agrifood systems, biodiversity, and sustainable development among devolved governments and local indigenous communities in Kenya and East African region. It is a professional platform committed to improving the livelihood and supporting local action in adaptation particularly where vulnerabilities are highest and where need for safety and resilience greatest among communities  in the region. ESEDO prioritizes strengthening of existing capacities among local authorities, local governments, civil society organizations, private sector and communities to lay foundation for robust management of climate risk and rapid scaling up of adaptation through community based risk reduction and effective location governance. We develop robust resource mobilization mechanisms for adaptation that ensure flow of both financial and technical support for local actors.


    • The use of plastics plays a very crucial role in agriculture sector in our society. The voluntary code for the use therefore, there has to promote sustainability rules in terms of reduce, reuse and recycle. In agriculture for instance large use parts of the plastics waste is dump in farms and contribute negatively to the soil fertility which is detrimental to the food system.

      Therefore, the VCoC should be formulated in such a away that it's flexible in implementation and prohibits mishandling and misuse of plastics. This can be enforced through public education and capacity building by various states ministries of Agriculture, Environment, private sectors and higher education institutions.


      Kiplangat CHERUIYOT

      [email protected]

      [email protected]

      Ecosystem & Social Economic Development Organization, Kenya

    • This concept note has fundamental principles that helps in the management of crises affecting the food systems in urban and peri-urban. It's therefore noted that the objectives observed herein should intend to inform, structure and sensitise the general public on popularising the increase of food production initiatives so as to achieve SDGs 2030 Agenda.

      Public-private partnership brings on board investment that accelerate positive development in designing for production, infrastructure to marketing and consumption of nutritious food. Therefore, governments, FAO, donors and Civil Society have a greater role in ensuring farmers have access to resources and know-how on how to arrest the trend of food insecurity in urban and pre-urban. Media and scientists also play a major role in highlighting the weather patterns for the farmers, for proper planning and preparation.
      Lack of knowledge among farmers contributes to low food production, less income and poor diet. While, the increase of Food systems education therefore, can be done through capacity building of the urban farmers while safe guarding some traditional knowledge practices that produces quality foods in quantity.
      Trade Barriers around the bounders must be removed to enable food chains to be successful. Lastly, proper drainage in urban centres will help increase food productivity

      warm regards

      Mr. KIPLANGAT Peter

      Former UN Fellow & Executive Director

      Ecosystem Social Economic Development Organisation