全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

先生 Liaqat Ali

组织: Liaqat corp ltd
国家: 巴基斯坦
I am working on:


Being a technology producer/Horti family private funder in SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE, since 1975, invented field-based mobile collaborative innovative commercial industrialized technologies for zero food waste in the world exclusively for small-scale farmers. Our past two generations developed/worked at manual traditional processing, resulting in positive results. Ultimately, the manual processing was industrialized by EU/USA processing/production lines, reshaped/redesigned at 10-20 times less weight, volume and cost. Being a family-owned private funder tech organization for small-scale farmers, the Nine Brothers family team with two hundred staff invented technological, scientific, innovative commercial lines by in-house technology under six vendor workshops of Food, Feed, Maize, Rice, wheat, etc engineering workshops.

Innovated technological portable, affordable, small mobile processing lines up to the range of small-scale farmers of 5-10 acres and installed processing lines at farming to fruit-vegetable markets, storage, infrastructure, seasonal processing stations, mobile processing units, etc, and about 70-80% weight, volume, and perishability killed at sourcing. Young male/female mobile partial processing tech teams for partial scientific drying processing killed 75% moisture, weight, and volume at farming to factories since 1975, which resulted in 100% commercial private food security for recycling funding. Our mobile field-based young teams invented innovative specifications/solutions that killed wastage at loss sites and survived technically, scientifically, and financially.

The entire product converted to a safety limit of about 12% moisture. The semi-processed product shifted to factories for the final finishing of 6% moisture. The future of agriculture was secured technically, financially, and practically at sourcing. The uncertainty/impossible vision in agriculture was eliminated in future funding/recycling. 35 seed companies of the EU/USA/CANADA (COLUMBIA SEED ALBERTA) were appointed as sole distributors for Pakistan. The shipments were made to us at 90-180 days credits and within 180 days had to process/dispose of on a doing-die basis. However, has a unique position in technology invented and applied in the last 45 years. The innovative scientific field-based technology is not available anywhere in the world, but Liaqat Corp, seeking to transfer it on a turn-key/PPP/tech-transfer/profit-loss basis.


We are in a position to provide commercial invoices of Nestle, Unilever, LU Biscuits, USAID, Ministry of Defence Pakistan, SKAL/HALAL/PFA Certification, etc for your kind knowledge.
It is a matter of fact that being a technology producer for our funded survivals, we invented real scientific technological innovative field-based solutions for future-based recycling funding and our real tech solutions had been accepted by the worldwide following organizations, some of the technological-based acceptances are being attached. Our technological based innovations are applicable in any part of the world. The worldwide 40-50% food losses will be started to convert into profit during 2023-24. All SGDs/climatic conditions industrialized at sourcing for zero food waste.


We are in a position to demonstrate physical evidence of field-based mobile commercial innovative industrialization in agriculture at farming, fruit-vegetable markets, storage, and seasonal processing stations during Dec 2022 and request you to call all EU/USA tech organizations' experts, Agri university researchers, scientists, experts, etc for demonstration purpose.

About 3000 recycling/drying ingredients, HALAL MEALS (300 instant MRE meals) value-added natural organic dried ingredients, technologies invented for funded survival, will be offered to experts for application in Africa/Asia, The FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION will be initiated during 2023-24 under the partnership of Liaqat Corp (Pvt) Ltd and about 70 times value-added industrialization will be promoted at a turn-key basis. Technology/scientific-based acceptances of US/EU/Canada are attached for your consideration and seeking to share/partnership in TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER for a sustainable economy, all SGDs/climatic conditions industrialized, innovations, collaboration, creativity offered.

Liaqat Biography

Developed least cost effective, farmer-friendly innovative dried processing value-added Technologies for food security, eliminated hunger/poverty/food waste, technically/scientifically/practically by field based mobile industrialization since 1975 under in house technologies by food/ feed/ rice/ wheat/maize, engineering workshops/fabricators, ensured technological success for farmers in slicing dicing/mobile dryings/peeling/partial processing at farming to factories/approachable areas of fruit vegetable markets/loss sites. Mitigated Post Harvest Losses technically about 80% weight volume/moisture at partial processing stations, an innovative approach is required applied rather than subjective. Our technological/scientific field-based experience of 47 years, developed Innovative dried processing technology through in-house technology/ fabrication with new scientific production processing lines.

Our unique technological, lifetime sustainable, scientific industrial research technology converted expensive processing lines to affordable processing lines, especially for small-scale farming. All EU/USA processing lines reshaped/redesigned at 5 times less cost for small scale farmers, all processing mobile lines slicers/dicers/peelers/converted to portable/foldable/adjustable for the emergency use of small-scale farmers at loss sites

FAO/Columbia university/AGMIP/ Illinois University/WU etc. acknowledged our least cost dried processing value-added technologies, found fit for underdeveloped countries, and initiated food irradiation exclusively in partnership with IAEA/FAO since 1990.  IAEA /FOOD IRRADIATION granted us in R&D of Food irradiation for dried natural/organic/Horti/dairy/live stocks/fisheries ingredients/value addition. US Aid accepted our innovative commercial processing technologies for the supply of survival/ration packs for years during the Afghan-Russian war in 1989, also was certified by SKAL/HALAL/PFA/ISO for USDA/NOP in 2004, providing internships to universities for three decades. 

With centralized common Sustainable/multiple Food/Innovative/Scientific mobile seasonal processing Stations during PHL seasons, are processing Diary/Livestock/Horti ingredient/value added for packers/exporters/Defense as per their Technical processing sheets, Agriculture/Food Partnership/Farmer/Industry collaborated in loss areas, converted the PHL into profit, upgraded economic growth, improved living standards, created the opportunity of sorting/packing/grinding with private label, At village level,35% local male female labor/migrants engaged locally . 

So the technological application networking strategy of our own in house fabrication/innovative/scientific processing lines etc.  killed hunger/poverty in our approachable areas similarly, globally broad-based improvements may be made by the application of technology, and our scientific technology at a turn-key basis is being offered for transfer of technology with zero waste to other food/agriculture Partners/17 SGDs/Climatic condition industrialized.

 Ali Liaqat BSc, 66 years, is a  innovator value added FoodTech field based industrialization  since 1975, invented valued added mobile Drying technology to kill emission  for farming sourcing engaged local village community, funding to  farmers  secured by practical  ground reality industrial/village based tech, 65% village labor was engaged in processing of peak crop loss ,travelling/migration to cities was converted to invented processing for each crop , developed least cost effective FoodTech, All EU/USA drying lines reshaped at 20times less cost to kill  loss challenges/emission at site sourcing,  high cost barriers in processing lines was dominated by R&D-WORKSHOPs.

Being ,private funder Organization to  farmers,were nominated the exclusive sole Distributor of EU/US Seed Industries during 1975, all annual agricultural produce are under Buyback agreements, initially suffered Losses in agriculture/emission. Ultimately innovative multiple ecocity technologies developed with production sheets, industrial  Research was conducted for  financial Survival by in-house technology.

All climatic issues industrlized

Abstract (250 words)- Should include study objectives and/or research questions, methodology, key results, and contributions/implications of the findings
