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博士 Rajashree Joshi

组织: BAIF Development Research Foundation
国家: 印度
I am working on:

Dr.Rajashree Joshi is the Program Director at BAIF Development Research Foundation, a reputed NGO having five decades of work and commitment for the cause of sustainable rural development.
She has done MA in Social Work from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, with specialisation in Urban and Rural Community Development. Has also done PhD economics from University of Pune.
She is a Social Scientist and a professional development worker having almost 30 years of experience as a practitioner for diverse, interdisciplinary development programs that are implemented in Indian Villages .Many of these include programs like , Participatory agro biodiversity conservation and revival, medicinal plants conservation , innovative livelihood development models for tribal and rural communities , women empowerment , NRM based and sustainable livelihoods and several interventions aimed at improved quality of life gains to rural communities
She is involved in many CSR supported projects which are supported by 84 Corporates in 14 states of India where BAIF has program presence
She is part of Apex Climate Action Committee formed in BAIF to take up work on climate action, research, capacity building and partnerships. She is anchoring various studies to understand the issue of climate change and variability in different parts of country,

Conceptualized and completed research study based on Primary Data Collection. Supported by , IWMI- CCAFS ( CGIAR Institute ) supported research study titled ,‘’ Field assessment of farmer’s preferences and willingness to pay for climate smart agriculture technologies in diverse rain fall zones of India’’. The work included , data collection from 7 districts, data analysis guidance to teams, report writing on reports covering following themes :
Gender based Analysis of Climate Smart Agriculture Technology Preferences in Diverse Rainfall Zones of India
Comparative analysis of Preferences by Farmers, Scientists and Government Officials for Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies in seven diverse rainfall zones of India
Perceptions of farming community on current status of climate change in their region and resulting impact on their livelihood resources

She had developed a 5 year duration proposal and anchored actions and implementation of Adaptation Fund Board – NABARD supported project on ’’ Climate smart actions and strategies in North Western Himalayan region for sustainable livelihoods of agriculture-dependent hill communities’’ .She has introduced projects and actions on Scaling up of Climate Smart Village ( CSV ) programs , Climate Proofing of Watersheds, Resilient farming system initiatives and Adaptation Fund- NABARD supported project in Northern Western Himalayas and nature based solutions . Many of these projects are supported by CCAFS, CGIAR institutes, USAID, MOEFCC, GIZ, NABARD, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and of course Corporates .She has also done studies on Vulnerability Analysis, Village level Contingency Planning and on pathways and programs on Sustainability