全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

博士 Isaac Baidoo

组织: Ghana Atomic Energy Commission
国家: 加纳
I am working on:

Technologies for climate smart agriculture in the sub-Saharan Africa

Professional Memberships

Member of Ghana Association of Agricultural Economists (GAAE)

Work Experience

Senior Research Scientist at Biotechnology & Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute (BNARI), Ghana Atomic Energy Commission

Conducted data collection for GLOWA Volta Water Project, focusing on household water use, socio-economic backgrounds, and willingness to pay for improved water for farming activities in the Northern Region of Ghana (Part of data used for MPhil thesis)

PhD Internship at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Computer Literacy

Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Experienced in statistical software, including Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Stata, and R-Programme


PhD in Applied Agricultural-Economics and Policy from the University of Ghana, Legon, with a thesis titled "Economics of Biochar with Solar Drip Irrigation Technology for Smallholder Vegetable Farming in South-eastern Ghana"

MPhil in Agric-econs from the University of Ghana, Legon, with a thesis titled "An Assessment of Water Demand for Agricultural Purposes in The Upper Volta Basin of Ghana"

Bachelor's degree in Agric-Econs from the University of Ghana, Legon, with a project titled "Economics of Banana Production in Ghana: A Case Study of Volta River Estate Ltd.


    • These are somethings to consider for CSO and FSN/FAO effective sustainable collaborative outcome.

      To regain momentum and work jointly to "leave no one behind" in the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) can collaborate in several ways:

      Strengthen Partnerships: FAO can engage with CSOs at various levels, from local to international, to form strong partnerships. These partnerships should be based on shared values and goals related to reducing socio-economic inequality and promoting sustainable development.

      Capacity Building: FAO can provide support and capacity-building initiatives to CSOs. This may include training and resources to enhance their ability to engage in policy advocacy, data collection and analysis, and project implementation related to food security, agriculture, and rural development.

      Data Collection and Analysis: FAO can work with CSOs to improve data collection and analysis related to socio-economic inequality and food security. CSOs often have grassroots networks and community-level insights that can complement FAO's data collection efforts.

      Advocacy and Awareness: FAO and CSOs can collaborate on advocacy campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of addressing socio-economic inequality and achieving the SDGs. This can include joint efforts to influence policy changes at national and international levels.

      Inclusive Decision-Making: FAO can involve CSOs in decision-making processes related to policy formulation, program design, and resource allocation. This ensures that the perspectives and needs of marginalized groups are considered.

      Project Implementation: Collaborative projects between FAO and CSOs can target specific areas where socio-economic inequality is prevalent, such as rural communities or regions with high poverty rates. These projects should aim to improve food security, access to resources, and income generation.

      Monitoring and Evaluation: Both FAO and CSOs can jointly monitor and evaluate the impact of their initiatives on reducing socio-economic inequality. This involves setting clear indicators, collecting data, and conducting regular assessments to track progress.

      Resource Mobilization: FAO can support CSOs in accessing funding and resources for their projects and initiatives. This can be done through grant opportunities, partnerships with donors, and technical assistance in proposal development.

      Knowledge Sharing: FAO can facilitate knowledge sharing between CSOs by creating platforms and networks where organizations can exchange experiences, best practices, and lessons learned in the pursuit of SDGs.

      Policy Dialogue: FAO and CSOs can engage in regular policy dialogues with governments and international organizations to advocate for policies that prioritize reducing socio-economic inequality and achieving the SDGs.