全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)


国家: 乌干达
I am working on:

As a Senior Agricultural Officer at Local Government level in Uganda, along side my Primary roles and responsibilities in the Public Service of Uganda where I coordinate all agriculture and Crop sector related programs, I also have additional tasks and responsibilities in addition to my other personal career projects and engagements as highlighted below;

I coordinate Food Security and Livelihood matters as a sector specialist in the District including being responsible for participating in the district and regional level based food and nutrition security matters such as engagement in the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification activities geared towards generating IPC reports to guide planning and determination of the short, medium term and long term food and nutrition Security status of the District

I am currently coordinating the implementation of government of Uganda Micro-irrigation Program funded by the World Bank as District Focal Point Person in Kotido District

I am currently the Chairperson District Contracts Committee of where I chair, coordinate and oversee the implementation of all Procurement and Disposal functions on behalf of the District Local Government of Kotido District

 I previously coordinated the implementation of Development Initiative for Northern Uganda Program (DINU) funded by European Union in Kotido District as District Focal Point person . The Project phased off in December 2022
I am the Chairperson Board of Directors of ETIC Karmoja ( a Community Based Organisation) supporting the implementation of Livelihoods programs in Kotido District

I also coordinate various food security and livelihood assessments within the District for instance Mid-season and end of Season Crop Production surveys that supports in generating data and secondary information that informs various interventions among others National Food Security and Nutrition Assessments, IPC and Disaster Risk Management planning at the District level

As a Climate Scientist with a good background and knowledge in Climate Science acquired through UNITAR online capacity building platform, am responsible for supporting planning, implementation evaluation of climate change related and resilience building initiatives in the District and a technical person in implementing Disaster Risk Management initiatives

I am currently developing working on two projects at personal levels aimed at generating information and field based findings to help determine the most effective and appropriate course of action for supporting vulnerable communities in Kotido District and Karamoja at large build long term adaptation and resilience to weather shocks for instance
1. I developed a case study on Sustainable Land Management ( Restoring Community Farm Lands in Uganda) https://afsafrica.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/kafscul-compressed.pdf)
2. I am currently conducting a Farmer Based Participatory research activity on "Addressing barriers to Climate change impacts among agro-pastoral communities in Semi-arid areas of Uganda through Integrated Climate smart resilient strategies. The focus here is on how to improve the biophysical properties of vertisol soils through integrated soil and land use management practices to support Off season vegetable production among small holder farmers in Kotido District targeting Women, Youth and Agric Extension workers
3. I am currently planning to conduct another Field evaluation study on Evaluating the effects of planting dates and seasonality of the Bean foliage beetles (Ootheca spp) infestation on bean crop performance and yields in Semi-arid areas of Uganda: Case Kotido District.