La FAO y el FMAM

Alianzas por los sistemas agroalimentarios sostenibles y el medio ambiente

Últimas noticias y actualizaciones de la asociación

Con el proyecto de Ganadería Climáticamente Inteligente la producción de Uruguay se adaptará mejor al cambio climático.
We can’t really talk about the planet’s most pressing environmental problems without talking about food systems. And by food systems, we also mean the agriculture that it takes to support them: farming, fisheries, forestry and the value chains that provid
The Sixth Assembly of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and associated meetings will take place from 23-29 June 2018 in Da Nang, Viet Nam.
On 14th of April 2018, FAO organized a joint event with Directorate General of Natural Recourse Management (DGNRM) and presented registration certificates to the 10 newly appointed Forest Management Associations (FMAs).
Through the “Reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions through Community Forests and Sustainable Biomass Energy” Project, FAO and MAIL has established 10 new forest management associations and has formally registered with MAIL based on new forest law.
The demersal finfish trawling fleet of Suriname is known to occasionally capture sea turtles and other potentially vulnerable species such as rays, sharks and groupers. Within the support of REBYC-II LAC, the Suriname Fisheries Department aims to reduce t
Cuatro grupos liderados por mujeres del municipio de Candelaria de la Frontera compartieron su experiencia de las iniciativas empresariales que han emprendido en el marco del apoyo recibido a través del Proyecto de Adaptación al Cambio Climático.
The Brazilian Cerrado is recognized as the richest savannah in the world, sheltering more than 11 000 catalogued species of native plants (of which 45% are exclusive to the region) and more than 1 600 species of mammals, birds and reptiles.
Nepal is one of the countries hardest hit by the impacts of climate change, and farmers are some of the worst affected. An FAO climate-smart agriculture project in Nepal is helping families improve their yields and livelihoods, giving them alternatives to
One of the world's most advanced marine research vessels, the Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, 3rd ship to bear that name during FAO and Norway’s ongoing 40-year partnership, set sail in 2017!
Las Macrozonas Alto Andino y Cordillera Pehuenche serán reconocidas por su biodiversidad y conocimiento tradicional sobre el manejo de sistemas agroalimentarios.
FAO supports land rehabilitation in Angola’s indigenous and pastoral communities.
Laxmi is one of about 3,000 farmers who are learning new ways of cultivating crops and caring for livestock that can offset some of the impacts of climate change.
26 Septembre 2017, Libreville – La boîte à outils « Développement et mise en œuvre de la gestion durable de la chasse villageoise en Afrique centrale », éditée par la FAO, le CIRAD, le CIFOR et l'UICN, partage, à travers les deux guides qui la compose, l'
The BIG 2050 initiative has officially been launched in Ilha Grande, Brazil, establishing a self-sustaining mechanism for detecting environmental issues and providing support to counteract said problems.
The Environmental Protected Area of Anhatomirim (EPAA) is a multi-stakeholder MPA (similar to IUCN Protected Area Category VI) located in the State of Santa Catarina, South-Southeast Brazilian coast and is one of the REBYC II – LAC pilot sites. Small-scal
GEF-FishAdapt Project on “Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of fisheries and aquaculture-dependent livelihoods in Myanmar"
Multi-year effort offers valuable lessons in how to halt land degradation and desertification.