


The 'JP GTA - 2023 In Review' offers a snapshot of the milestones, achievements and activities of the Joint Programme over the course of the past year, with links to articles, publications and event recordings. 11p.


FAO launched a global commitment process to enhance gender equality and women's empowerment in agrifood systems through financing and partnerships. The process unites Members, resource partners, private sector, UN Agencies, civil society organizations and others to commit investment and partnership for increased gender equality and women’s empowerment in agrifood systems. This Commitments Matrix presents macro and thematic commitments, targeting different stakeholder categories. 4 p.


This course aims to support parliamentarians in ensuring that adequate financial resources are allocated to achieve food security and gender equality. It is designed to equip parliamentarians with the knowledge and tools to effectively address the gender dimensions in budgeting and drive positive change as parliamentarians. 2 p.


This paper explores changes in agriculture, food security, nutrition, and family dynamics in the rural areas of Central Asia – specifically, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan – during the pandemic, focusing on women and men. Employing a mixed-methods approach that combines quantitative and qualitative analyses, the findings reveal that rural women were disproportionally affected due to pre-existing gender disparities and limited decision-making power. 34 pp.


This report showcases gender equality and women’s empowerment highlights in 2022 and 2023 and is divided into global and regional highlights. Its overall objective is to share major achievements, good practices and lessons learned in 2022–2023 and to guide FAO’s upcoming work to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment. 34 p.


This report reviews gender issues in the Eastern Africa dairy value chains, with a focus on markets and trade, in the context of broader regional policy frameworks and evolving market scenarios. In particular, gender policy developments in agricultural and trade policies relevant for the dairy sector are assessed for Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda. 73 p.


Each issue of FAO Europe and Central Asia Gender Newsletter explores and discusses women’s and men’s experiences in agriculture and food security in the region familiarizes the reader with relevant FAO activities and initiatives. 5 p.


These guidelines are a practical tool for youth organizations to better understand gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) and their importance, offering a step-by-step methodology to self-assess main gaps and areas for improvement as the basis to embed inclusive approaches in their organizational practice. 84 p.