


While the digital revolution is reaching rural areas in many developing countries, the rural digital divide continues to present considerable challenges. Women in particular face a triple divide: digital, rural and gender. This publication examines both the challenges and the factors for success in integrating gender in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) initiatives. 88 pp.


In presenting recipes from women in different countries across the region, this publication promotes the consumption of foods with high nutritional value, while also recognizing the traditional knowledge and role of women in conserving biodiversity and improving the sustainability of the agricultural sector. 58 pp.


This paper summarizes the analyses of a global literature review on women in fisherfolk organizations. Identifying positive examples and lessons learned, it points to key drivers in fostering increased participation and leadership for women in fisheries, as well as some of the barriers they face in gaining equal access to organizations and decision-making. 48 pp.


This newsletter is addressed to FAO's staff and development partners as well as whoever is interesting in FAO's work related to gender equality and women's empowerment in the Asia-Pacific region and showcases interventions, events, and information on FAO's work on gender equality and women's empowerment in Asia and the Pacific. 9 pp.


This webinar provided an overview of the implementation of FAO's Dimitra Clubs, a community-driven approach to empower rural women, men and young people to work together and bring about positive changes in their communities. It highlighted Club results and their impact on the resilience of rural men and women’s livelihoods, and discussed issues of replicability and potential for upscaling. 14 pp.


This online discussion, held on the FSN Forum in July / August 2017, invited reflections on the current understanding of gender dynamics of rural livelihoods as well as information, views and experiences in preparation for the 62nd Commission on the Status of Women. The summary highlights critical gaps and priority areas for action on how to accelerate gender transformative impacts for rural women. 15pp.


In 2006, the Government of Malawi initiated a Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP), which it called Mtukula Pakhomo (‘Lifting up Families’). This report presents the findings from a qualitative research study (conducted in September 2015) of the Programme, and of its impacts on rural women’s economic empowerment. 117 pp.


This project, started in 2014 under the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme, was developed to improve services for rural women by enhancing the capacity of institutions and of agricultural extension and rural advisory services staff in Turkey and Azerbaijan. 8 pp.