FAO Liaison Office in Geneva

Dialogue with the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA)


On January 26, the FAO in Geneva Director, Mr Dominique Burgeon met with representatives of the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA), a Swiss foundation with global reach and a private-public partnership working from Geneva to serve as an anticipatory science and diplomacy tool for greater impact and multilateral effectiveness.

FAO and GESDA areas of research have some important complementarities, particularly on food security and food systems. Mr Burgeon highlighted that the concept of food security has evolved from a purely production increase approach to an agri-food system approach. The latter is a broader concept considering interconnected issues that are traditionally dealt with in Geneva, such as health or labour. Research playing a key role in this concept, the work of GESDA has great potential to provide innovative solutions.

Mr Burgeon welcomed the substantive research role played by this Swiss institution and its potential to make concrete contributions to efforts to transform food systems and achieve food security. In this regard, the GESDA 2021 Science Breakthrough Radar, a research tool providing a unique description of breakthroughs at a 5, 10 and 25 years horizon, which may impact people, society and the planet is an important example of this potential. The Radar may develop as a key element to inform food security discussions and concerted action with a neutral overview of science trends.

FAO Geneva and GESDA agreed to continue discussions and develop areas of potential collaboration on the transformation of agri-food systems to achieve food security for all.