FAO in Geneva Thematic Dialogue Series
The FAO Liaison Office with the United Nations in Geneva is championing key thematic issues of importance to FAO, its members and partners, leveraging key field work of the Organization through the organization of Thematic Dialogue Series. The result of a close partnership with the technical divisions and decentralized offices, as well as external partners, the FAO in Geneva Dialogue Series aim to inform and encourage discussion as well as promote related contributions and impacts of FAO and partners while contributing to inform and feed Geneva-level (and beyond) policy making.
One Health Dialogue Series

- 08 October 2024: One Health Briefing on Avian Influenza: Preparedness and Coordinated Response
- 06 June 2024: Upstream Prevention for the Emergence and Spillover of Pathogens
- 07 December 2023: One Health and Agroecology: Scaling up joint activities towards food system transformation
- 24 November 2023: One Health and plant health: strengthening phytosanitary systems worldwide
- 03 November 2023: One Health Implementation
- 20 June 2023: One Health Briefing on Avian Influenza
- 13 December 2022: One Health tools and the opportunities for their rationalization and application to country contexts
- 27 September 2022: The environment and One Health
- 13 June 2022: Workforce development and strengthening health systems
- 06 April 2022: Enhancing Food Safety using the One Health Approach
- 16 February 2022: Progress and challenges in the implementation of National control plans for Antimicrobial Resistance
- 08 December 2021: One Health Governance and Good Practices
- 03 November 2021: Launch event
Joint FAO-WFP Geneva Briefing on Food Security

Since April 2021, FAO LOG and the Global Office of the World Food Programme (WFP) in Geneva hold regular briefings for the Member States, UN agencies, Academia and NGOs to share the latest updates, trends, and analysis on acute food insecurity worldwide and foster in-depth discussions on the situation in specific countries and regions. The joint briefings focus on food insecurity with a dedicated attention to food crises, forced displacement and anticipatory action (Agriculture and food emergencies, Resilient agrifood systems, Nutrition for the most vulnerable).
No recordings available
- 28 November 2024: Hunger Hotspots & Gaza Food Security Situation Update
- 17 April 2024: Tackling acute food insecurity in Haiti and the DRC
- 26 February 2024: Leveraging Humanitarian and Development funding for More Sustainable Agrifood Systems
- 17 January 2024: Displacement and Hunger Spots in the Sahel Region
- 22 November 2023: Mitigating the impacts of el Niño (Global)
- 22 September 2023: Briefing on food crises – Mid-year update of the Global report on food crises (Global)
- 13 June 2023: Overview of the latest Hunger Hotspots Report (Global)
- 07 June 2023: Addressing Food Insecurity in the Sahel and West Africa (Chad and Togo)
- 09 May 2023: 2023 Global Report on Food Crises (Global)
- 29 March 2023: Joint response in Cox’s Bazar (Bangladesh)
- 14 February 2023: Anticipatory Action and its application (southern Africa)
- 7 December 2022: 2023 Global Appeal for the Food Security Sector and Democratic Republic of the Congo
- 05 October 2022: Hunger Hotspots Report
- 07 September 2022: Agriculture and food security situation in flood-affected areas of Pakistan
- 07 July 2022: Inter-Cluster Statement on Famine and Food Crises and Displacement and Food Security
- 08 June 2022: Hunger Hotspots Report and food security situation in the Horn of Africa and Sahel
- 06 May 2022: Global Report on Food Crises
- 07 April 2022: Food security in the Horn of Africa
- 11 March 2022: The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) with spotlight on Madagascar
- 03 February 2022: FAO-WFP Hunger Hotspots report
- 16 December 2021: The Global food security cluster
- 16 November 2021: Strengthening climate resilience and update on the situation in Burkina Faso
- 08 October 2021: Anticipatory Action (AA) and update on the situation in the Horn of Africa
- 08 September 2021: The food security situation in Haiti
- 11 June 2021: The food security situation in Madagascar and Afghanistan
- 06 May 2021: 2021 Global Report on Food Crises
- 07 April 2021: FAO-WFP Hunger Hotspots report
Agriculture Trade Talks
Through the Agriculture Trade Talks Dialogue Series, FAO supports Members’ efforts to formulate trade policies that are conducive to improved food security by strengthening evidence and analysis, providing capacity development, and facilitating a neutral dialogue away from the negotiating table.
- 14 March 2024: Recent Shipping Disruptions to Trade: Implications for Global Food Security Situation
- 25 January 2024: Trade Policy Briefs: FAO Support to the WTO Negotiations at the 13th Ministerial Conference
- 03 November 2023: The role of trade and trade policy for better nutrition
- 15 March 2023: Global trade, agricultural supply chains and responsible sourcing
- 16 February 2023: Digitalization in Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges
- 15 December 2022: Food imports, food security, and vulnerability: Empirical Indicators with an application to the Near East and North Africa region
- 12 October 2022: The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SOCO)
- 02 June 2022: Digital tools for agrifood trade: Taking stock of progress and key issues for adoption
- 29 March 2022: Agricultural Trade in the Global South
- 28 February 2022: The role of Trade in Agrifood systems transformation
- 13 September 2021: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Agriculture Trade: latest developments
Fisheries Trade Talks
The FAO in Geneva Fisheries Trade Talks, organized in close collaboration with FAO’s Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, provides an opportunity to examine the most recent trends in fisheries and aquaculture markets and the challenges associated with sustainability. The Fisheries Trade Talks inform on the existing and emerging FAO knowledge and tools for transforming aquatic food systems and promoting their responsible and sustainable utilization and management while highlighting the interconnectedness of international instruments and the potential support FAO can provide for specific trade-related fish themes.
- 22 November 2024: Highlights from the State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2024: 'Blue Transformation in Action'
- 26 July 2023: Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and the Role of International Instruments including the WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies
- 15 June 2023: Marine Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction and the Role of Regional Fisheries Management Organizations
- 20 April 2023: Fisheries Stock Assessment and sustainability
- 19 October 2022: Recent trends in Fisheries and Aquaculture from a Trade Context
- 13 May 2022: Illegal, Unreported, and Unethical Fishing (IUU)
Social Protection Dialogue Series
The FAO in Geneva Social Protection Dialogue Series, organized in collaboration with the Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division (ESP), aims to raise awareness on the role of social protection as a key instrument for poverty reduction and inclusive growth in rural areas. It stresses the need to increase investments at domestic and international level, to expand social protection coverage, adequacy and comprehensiveness, and thus contribute to more resilient and sustainable rural livelihoods.
- 15 October 2024: The Human Right to Adequate Food
- 8 May 2024: Nutrition Sensitive social protection across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus
- 9 November 2023: Gender Transformative Social Protection for Rural Women
- 19 July 2023: Social Protection and Agrifood Systems
- 14 March 2023: Leveraging Social Protection Systems to Anticipate and Respond to Shocks
- 1 December 2022: Social Protection for Inclusive Climate Action
- 20 September 2022: Pathways for Extending Universal Coverage of Social Protection
Environment Dialogue Series
The FAO in Geneva Environment Dialogue Series is organized in close collaboration with FAO's Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment (OCB) and in partnership with UNEP.
- 6 December 2024: Agroecological Status of Switzerland and Côte d'Ivoire: National assessments derived with TAPE
- 2 December 2024: Pulp and Paper Industry: How to Make the Circular economy Work?
- 9 October 2024: The Important Role of Agrifood Systems across the Rio Convention Conference of Parties to the CBD, UNFCCC, and UNCCD
- 19 March 2024: National Agroecology Strategies: Lighthouses for food system transformation
- 30 January 2024: COP 28 Outcomes: COP28 Outcomes: Addressing climate change through agrifood systems
- 16 October 2023: Improving Water Management through Agroecology
- 3 October 2023: Second Briefing on Plastics in Agriculture (INC-3)
- 5 June 2023: High-level Dialogue on World Environment Day
- 11 May 2023: FAO and INC-2: The Role of Plastics in Agriculture
- 20 April 2023: EMG Nexus Dialogue Event on Sustainable Nitrogen Management
- 9 March 2023: Agriculture and Food Systems at COP 15 (Biological Diversity) and COP 27 (Climate)
- 22 February 2023: Outcomes of the Agroecology 2022 Dialogues and Ways Forward
- 22 November 2022: On the Road to the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15)
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Solutions Dialogue Series
The FAO Global SIDS Solutions Dialogue Series is a joint initiative of the FAO Liaison Offices in Brussels, Geneva and New York. It is incorporated into the SIDS Solutions Platform that aims to encourage innovative intra- and interregional knowledge exchange to incubate, promote, scale up and replicate locally grown ideas to accelerate the achievement of agriculture, food, nutrition, environment and health related SDGs in SIDS.
- 09 April 2024: Agricultural Trade in SIDS: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
- 31 October 2023: Can an agrifood systems approach help achieve healthy diets, reduce NCDs, and improve climate resilience in the SIDS?
- 18 April 2023: Outcomes of UNFCCC COP27 and their implications for Small Island Developing States
- 29 September 2022: Fisheries and Aquaculture
- 31 May 2022: Building Agriculture Resilience in SIDS
- 01 February 2022: Outcomes of the SIDS Solutions Forum
Nutrition Dialogue Series
The FAO in Geneva Nutrition Dialogue Series, organized in close collaboration with FAO’s Food and Nutrition Division (ESN) and the Liaison Office in Brussels, aims to share experiences and practical insights on how intervening in agrifood systems can support better nutrition and other development outcomes across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- 08 May 2024: Nutrition Sensitive social protection across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus
- 31 October 2023: Can an agrifood systems approach help achieve healthy diets, reduce NCDs, and improve climate resilience in the SIDS?
- 19 April 2023: Advancing human and planetary health: enabling healthy diets and addressing climate change
- 12 December: 2022: Building resilient agrifood systems for nutrition in the context of humanitarian crises in Africa
- 28 September 2022: How can dietary guidelines fulfill their potential for agrifood systems transformation?
- 26 July 2022: Bringing food safety and nutrition together through an agrifood systems approach
- 21 June 2022: Urban Food Systems for Better Diets
- 18 May 2022: Food Systems for Addressing Acute Child Malnutrition and Advancing Better Livelihoods in Africa’s Drylands: From Research to Action
- 28 April 2022: High-level Launch Event: Agrifood systems transformation - Policies and practices to support healthy diets and development outcomes across the SDGs