FAO Liaison Office in Geneva

FAO Chief Economist participates in the WTO Aid for Trade Global Review 2022


The theme for this year’s WTO Aid for Trade Global Review was ‘Empowering Connected Sustainable Trade`.  Throughout the three day event which took place between 27 and 29 July 2022, participants had the opportunity to discuss the role of Aid for Trade in supporting women's economic empowerment, digital connectivity and how environmentally sustainable development can contribute to the desired development outcomes.

During the 27 July session on ‘’Agricultural trade under strain – Responding to new food security challenges’’, organized by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) with the participation of FAO, the panelists discussed the implications of the war in Ukraine for agricultural markets, trade and food security. Maximo Torero, FAO’s Chief Economist, shared the latest data on energy, fertilizer, and food prices. He presented the effects of the war on international trade globally, particularly for North African countries, and shared policy recommendations. Read more here. 

The FAO Chief Economist also participated in a panel discussion on “Implementing the WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies - Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Members’’, held on 28 July 2022. On this occasion, hereaffirmed FAO’s readiness to provide technical assistance to Member countries for the implementation of the agreement and informed participants of the existence of e-learning courses on SDGs 14.4.1 and 14.b.1 provided through the FAO elearning academy. Maximo Torero also conveyed that FAO will organize a series of specific technical information sessions, in partnership with the WTO Secretariat, to support WTO members in the implementation of the Agreement. He also emphasized the role of regional fisheries bodies, particularly RFMOs, in the implementation of the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies. Read more here.