FAO Liaison Office in Geneva

FAO highlights the role of science and innovation at the INNOFood2022


Mr Dominique Burgeon, Director of the FAO Liaison Office with the United Nation in Geneva (LOG) delivered a keynote speech at the first edition of the INNOFOOD & Co 2022, organized on 14 June by Cluster Food & Nutrition in Bulle, Switzerland.

The event started with an overview of how the innovation ecosystem works in Switzerland, with a presentation by Mr Jerry Krattiger, Director of the Economic Promotion section of the Canton of Fribourg on the theme “The Swiss ecosystem - networks dedicated to agri-food innovation.” His presentation was built around the Food System strategy recently adopted by the Canton.

LOG Director’s presentation focused on the theme “Challenges related to our food: a global perspective,” with a discussion on how science, technology and innovation can accelerate the transformation of food systems around the world. He presented a global overview of the current context on food security highlighting the challenges, from COVID-19 to the conflict in Ukraine, and their impacts on the deteriorating food security scenario.

LOG Director also spoke on the need to transform agrifood systems as the path to build more resilient food systems to deal with growing shocks, and the important role of science and innovation, introducing the work of FAO and its newly endorsed Innovation Strategy, as well as the technical expertise and the opportunities the Organization offers for all stakeholders in their efforts to transform agrifood systems.

Background on the INNOFood2022

The societal and environmental challenges related to food are numerous and complex. They must be addressed in a global way and require profound changes on the part of all actors; academic, economic, political and social, hence the notion of "food systems". Everything is connected, and to find a sustainable and beneficial balance for all, it is necessary to conceive the future of our food together. The canton of Fribourg is a pioneer in this field with its recent agri-food strategy, which recommends a systemic, collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to innovation. It is in this context of profound change that the Food & Nutrition Cluster discussion invited participants to discover both local and global initiatives and to seize the opportunities for innovation and collaboration that are available for them.