FAO Liaison Office in Geneva

FAO in Geneva Nutrition Dialogue Series underlines latest developments on Urban Food Systems for better diets


The FAO Liaison Office in Geneva and the Food and Nutrition Division (ESN) are organizing a series of Nutrition Dialogues in collaboration with the FAO Liaison Office in Brussels to share experiences and practical insights on how intervening in agrifood systems can support better nutrition and in so doing, also support other development outcomes across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Hosted by FAO in Geneva every 6-8 weeks, this webinar series informs and inspires Members and partners through the participation of Permanent Representations and organizations based in Geneva, Brussels and beyond working across the development agenda about what can be done in agrifood systems to achieve better nutrition and development outcomes across the SDGs, and how to do it.

The core component of the Nutrition Dialogue Series is sharing and discussing important work carried out on agrifood systems in Member States with support from FAO and partners. The webinars highlight concrete examples of positive actions and good practices in agrifood systems, presenting an opportunity for cross-learning. The idea is to show how existing activities influence diets, nutrition and other development outcomes and identify how engagement and collaboration can facilitate synergies and co-benefits across a range of development outcomes.

Key outcomes of the Series are expected to be:

• Greater awareness of what Members are doing in policy and practice on agrifood systems for nutrition and the role of FAO and other partners in supporting that action.

• Greater capacity to implement actions in agrifood systems to support nutrition while benefitting further development outcomes, such as environmental sustainability, increased resilience to shocks and economic development.

• Stronger cross-sectoral dialogue and collaboration between Members, partners, Geneva- and Brussels-based organizations and entities, and FAO to support more coherent action.

FAO in Geneva Nutrition Dialogue Series - Third dialogue: “Urban Food Systems for better diets: Latest from the field”

The phenomenon of urbanization is unfolding rapidly as over half of the world’s population is living in cities and an estimated two-thirds will do so by 2050. This population growth increasingly influences our food systems, thus affecting food security and nutrition in all its forms. Ensuring that actions undertaken in the urban contexts improve nutrition is imperative and should not be done in isolation, as nutrition goals are inextricably connected with sustainability goals of other sectors.

In this regard, this Dialogue provided examples of how municipalities are working to address nutrition while also considering other development objectives. It included concrete examples of different activities, including the development of multistakeholder platforms for knowledge sharing and action, research and analysis and implemented interventions.


To watch the recording of this session of the FAO in Geneva Nutrition Dialogue Series click here. Passcode: $F85snf4

Related links:

FAO work on Nutrition