FAO Liaison Office in Geneva

FAO in Geneva visits EPFL to explore paths for collaboration on science and innovation


On 30 September, FAO in Geneva Director, Mr Dominique Burgeon accompanied by a technical team paid a visit to EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) to learn more about EPFL’s work and explore opportunities for collaboration with FAO.

Mr Burgeon shared information on FAO strategies and activities, including the current global food security situation, FAO’s Strategic Framework 2022-2031 and FAO's Science and Innovation Strategy, highlighting the urgency of agrifood systems transformation. He also outlined the business model adopted by the FAO office in Geneva and briefed on the thematic dialogue series.

EPFL is a technical university focused on three missions: teaching, research, and innovation. Located in Lausanne, it has a european dynamic and collaborates with a large network of partners in order to have a real impact on society. The FAO team met with Dr Solomzi Makohliso, Deputy Director of the Essential Tech Center and Mr Christian Shwab, Executive Director of the Integrative Food and Nutrition Center (IFNC) and Mrs Marine BOURSIER, Innovation Project Manager at INFC.

As for the Integrative Food and Nutrition Center (IFNC), Mr Schwab explained that its mission is to maximise the positive environmental and societal impact of the science and technologies developed in the EPFL in relation to the food systems. To this end, the IFNC acts as an interface between EPFL researchers, industry players and international research organisations. The IFNC focuses on the following areas: sustainable packaging, precision nutrition and healthy ageing, and food systems digitalisation.

Mr Solomzi presented EPFL’s EssentialTech Centre’s functioning, priorities and research fields. The centre develops sustainable and scalable solutions to address unmet needs, notably in low income and vulnerable contexts. Mr Solomzi explained that the Centre’s approach is based on three pillars: cooperation with stakeholders in areas affected by poverty and crisis, interdisciplinarity, and entrepreneurship. Several research areas are of great interest for FAO, from the use of artificial Intelligence against malnutrition, to harnessing science and technology for humanitarian action and models for analysing the true cost of food, among others.

Related links:

FAO work on Science, Technology and Innovation

FAO Science and Innovation Strategy

FAO Science and Innovation Forum (17-21 October 2022)

FAO collaboration with Academia and Research Institutions