FAO Liaison Office in Geneva

Fifth Session of the FAO in Geneva One Health Dialogue series - Presentations and Recording


Organized by FAO in Geneva with UNEP, WHO, and WOAH (founded as OIE), the One Health Dialogue Series is undertaken in support of FAO’s strategic framework in general and its One Health Program Priority Area (PPA - BP3) in particular. It aims to increase awareness on the complexity and magnitude of the issue and ultimately ground policy making at all levels in field realities. The One Health Dialogue Series is a key activity fully aligned with the six action tracks of the new FAO/UNEP/WHO/WOAH One Health Joint Plan of Action and the business model of the FAO Liaison Office in Geneva.

The objectives of the One Health Dialogue Series are to promote the One Health approach in the International Geneva and to sensitize on the magnitude of animal diseases, including zoonotic diseases, and AMR related risk, as well as on the relevance of the One Health approach as an integral part of workforce development in the context of Agenda 2030, with a view to promote, increase, and sustain investments in One Health systems.

Workforce development for One Health includes programs and activities that are intended to generate concrete methodologies, competencies, and tools to plan and implement One Health workforce capacity development at the global, regional, national, and local levels.

This fifth edition of the One Health Dialogue series highlighted country initiatives to strengthen the workforce, develop resources, tools, mechanisms, and solutions to operationalize the One Health approach in a challenging environment and socioeconomic context.

Key messages from the webinar can be summarized as follows:

• There are gaps in the health workforce, especially in the human and veterinary medicine, and environmental sectors. More collaboration and linkages are required to bring all relevant stakeholders to contribute to One Health implementation.

• FAO works closely with WOAH and WHO to facilitate workforce development and strengthening health systems, through programmes such as the Joint Risk Assessment (JRA) tool and National Bridging Workshops (NBW). For instance, based on the outputs of the NBW, Sierra Leone has developed a OH implementation framework for 2021-2023 and yearly operational plans to guide the work of OH stakeholders.

• Moving forward, training and further education should be a cornerstone of the long-term workforce development strategies to equip the future health workforce with the skills and competencies needed, as well as a systematic way of thinking to promote multi-sectoral collaboration. This should start with adjustments to the University curricula.

• The One Health approach is critical to strengthen health systems at the global, regional, national, and local level.


1. Introduction/Moderator: Mr Dominique Burgeon, Director FAO Liaison Office in Geneva

2. Summary from previous Enhancing Food Safety using the One Health Approach: Mr Julio Pinto, Animal Health Officer, DVM, PhD, Animal Production and Health Division (NSA), FAO Liaison Office in Geneva

3. Session 1: Presentations from countries
a. Joint Risk Assessment (JRA) tool and implementation: Dr Negga Asamene, National One Health Steering Committee (NOHSC) member, Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI)
b. National Bridging Workshops (NBWs) implementation: Dr Mohamed Alpha Bah, Director of Livestock and Veterinary Services Division, Ministry of Agriculture in Sierra Leone
c. Global Laboratory Leadership Program (GLLP): Representative from Pakistan (TBC)

4. Session 2: Discussion Panel facilitated by Barbara Alessandrini, Head of the Capacity-Building Department, World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH)
a. Mr Nick Harris, Development Programs Manager, Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).
b. Mr Franck Berthe, Senior Livestock Specialist, Agriculture and Food GP, World Bank
c. Dr Catherine Machalaba, Senior Policy Advisor and Senior Scientist, Eco Health Alliance, member of OHHLEP

5. Open Discussion and Q&A (remarks from Permanent Missions, OIE, WHO, UNEP)

6. Closing remarks: Mr Peter Ben Embarek, Head of One Health Initiative, World Health Organization (WHO)


Operationalization of Joint Risk Assessment tool in Ethiopia Lessons learnt and way forward
Dr Feyessa Regassa, EPHI, MoH, NOHSC- Chair

One Health Workforce Development
By: Mr Mohamed Alpha Bah, OIE Delegate – Sierra Leone

FAO in Geneva One Health Dialogue Series - 4th Session on the theme “Enhancing Food Safety using the One Health Approach”- 6 April 2022


To watch the recording of this session of the FAO in Geneva Nutrition Dialogue series click here. Passcode: @4ECeuS!