FAO Liaison Office in Geneva

Global Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Action


 On 9 December, Dominique Burgeon, FAO, Director, Liaison Office with the UN in Geneva spoke at the closing session of the 9th Global Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Action. As climate change impacts are threatening lives and livelihoods around the globe, anticipatory action, embedded in the disaster risk management cycle, can clearly be one of many complementary approaches to protect those most at risk, he said. 

 Integrating an anticipatory action approach into disaster management systems and climate action is an opportunity, but also requires us to act beyond financial and thematic silos. Supporting institutionalisation is a priority now.

 “I have been following the Global Dialogue Platform for several years now, and more and more I see that the thinking evolves on how to address not just climatic, but also human-induced hazards such as conflict and displacement, he said. Exploring and collecting evidence on how anticipatory action can help to protect those affected and displaced by conflict is critical to anticipate food crises and make agri-food systems more resilient.

 Locally-led anticipatory action, which puts local communities and their needs at the centre, will need to reach scale to protect the most vulnerable effectively ahead of shocks, he added. Yet we also heard from colleagues that there are still barriers such as ensuring forecasts and tailored information reaches communities, limited inclusiveness, and a lack of locally-led decision making and access to funding for anticipatory action. “We have to continue to collaborate and overcome these urgently”, concluded Mr. Burgeon.

 Related Links:

9th Global Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Humanitarian Action