FAO Liaison Office in Geneva

Join us for the WFF side event - Young parliamentarians and Young actors of Food Systems chains - Tuesday, 5 October @ 9:30 (CET)


World Food Forum - FAO Geneva side event “".  A side event of the World Food Forum - WFF.

When: Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Time: 9h30-11h00, Virtual Side Event to the World Food Forum - WFF

Programme: More details and Programme of the WFF side event here. 

Where: Online.



As presented in the 2021 edition of the State of Food Security and Nutrition , the world is not on track to achieve its goal of ending hunger and malnutrition in all its forms by 2030. Conflict, climate and economic shocks –in addition to the impacts of COVID-19– continue to increase the number of people facing hunger and food insecurity. Engaging individuals and institutions at all levels, particularly youth, who will inherit these challenges in the future, is essential for actionable, innovative and inclusive solutions to address the unprecedented challenges and transform agri-food systems to make them more efficient, resilient, inclusive and sustainable.

Evidence has shown that transforming agri-food systems and improving food and nutrition security is principally done through policies, programs, and frameworks anchored in legislation. Parliamentarians are fundamental custodians of these political commitments as they are in charge of adopting domestic legislation, approving budget allocations, and ensuring governments’ accountability for the effective implementation of duties, taking into account their constituents’ contexts and specific needs.
In order to the end of hunger and malnutrition by 2030, the UN Food Systems Summit focused on strengthening the science-policy interface, targeted and sustained investment, digital agriculture and specific gender policies. The reduction of food loss and waste, using natural resources more efficiently with less impact on our environment, and social protection programmes will help accomplish the task.


The World Food Forum

In full alignment with the United Nations Food Systems Summit in 2021, the FAO Youth Committee initiated the World Food Forum (WFF) as one of the youth initiatives that supports the Summit. The WFF aims to be the global event for the future of our food systems, gathering major youth groups, top influencers, companies, academic institutions, non profits, governments, media and the public (especially youth leaders, farmers, entrepreneurs and influencers) to drive awareness, engagement, advocacy and mobilize resources around these issues. The WWF has the objective of creating a moment of global hope; start a youth movement to support the issues of hunger, health, and poverty; and spur global action to solve these challenges. Organized around six tracks, the WFF will feature initiatives in Music, Film, Cultural and culinary activities, the Innovation Lab, Education, and the Youth Summit. The WFF serves as the premier platform to engage and harness the passion of youth in order to galvanize action and identify solutions to the growing challenges facing agri-food systems. The WFF will drive this momentum into the future, ensuring inclusive alliances and solid partnerships for the implementation of the Summit outcomes.



Young parliamentarians and young actors
of the food systems chains will illustrate their visions towards a better future and explore avenues of collaboration between these two sectors in alignment with the goals of the World Food Forum and the Food Systems Summit.



• Opening remarks by Mr. Dominique Burgeon, Director, FAO Office in Geneva, Moderator
• Keynote remarks by Mr. Máximo Torero, Chief Economist, FAO
• Introductory remarks by H.E. Ambassador Félix Baumann, Deputy Permanent Representative of
Switzerland to the United Nations and other organizations in Geneva and Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the Conference on Disarmament
• Ms. Louise Mabulo, The Cacao Project
• Mr. Fabian Molina, Parliamentarian, Switzerland
• Mr. Olivier Flamand-Lapointe, Graduate Institute Student Association
• Ms. Neema Kichiki Lugangira, Parliamentarian, Tanzania
• Ms. Alessa Perotti, Bites of Transfoodmation
• Mr. Kazuki Kitaoka and Ms. Emma Restaino will update on the World Food Forum’s outcomes
• Interactive session
• Closing remarks by Ms. Marcela Villarreal, Director, FAO Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division



- Participants of the World Food Forum
- Parliamentarians and actors of food systems chains
- Permanent Missions and Organizations NGOs and Academia
- UN System and partners
- Media


The Geneva event: Young parliamentarians and young actors of food systems chains

In Geneva, the government of Switzerland and the FAO Liaison Office to the United Nations at Geneva (LOG) are organizing a satellite event of the WFF within its ‘Youth Innovation’ track. The event will feature the work of three young parliamentarians and three young actors of the food systems chains illustrating their visions towards the future. The event will give both parliamentarians and members of the food systems chains the opportunity to present their vision towards a better future and explore avenues of collaboration between these two sectors in alignment with the goals of the WFF and Food Systems Summit.

The side event will occur through a virtual platform, and the young participants’ work on food systems, food security and nutrition will be at the center of each presentation, followed by a dialogue. Opening, keynote, introductory and closing remarks will complement the side event along with an interactive session.

As the side event takes place in the World Food Forum (WFF)’s last day, representatives of the main event will inform the participants of the most important outcomes of the five days of activities.


Registration Guide for Participants / Attendees

  • All the participants should register for the World Food Forum at
  • After the registration, an access link to the World Food Forum Virtual Platform will be sent to the email address that you registered with.
  • You will have access to all events of the the World Food Forum through this link, including our side event.



  • On Tuesday, 5 October 2021, 9h30
  • Enter the Main Lobby of Events using the link that you received by email. 
    • Once there, click “Side Events”

     You will be taken to the Virtual Lobby for side events (see image below)

    • Once there, please click on the title of our side event:
      “Young parliamentarians and young actors of food systems chains”
    • You will be then directed to our Zoom registration page.
    • Please enter your name and email address and then click “Join Event in Progress” to enter our meeting room


    • Please note that this event will be delivered in English without any interpretation service
    • If you have any questions for our panelists, please leave your comments in the Q&A box
    • In case you encounter any technical issues with joining our event, please contact the World Food Forum Live Helpdesk at: [email protected]