FAO Liaison Office in Geneva

SEVENTY-FIFTH WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY - FAO Statement at the General Discussions



22–28 May 2022

 General Discussion, 24 May 2022

(pre-recorded Statement by Mr. Dominique Burgeon, Director, FAO Liaison Office with the UN in Geneva)

Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates,

  1. It is a pleasure to address the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly.
  2. The COVID-19 pandemic, unsustainable food production, climate crises the increasing complexity of agri-food systems and conflicts are all taking a severe toll on our health and natural resources.
  3. Assessment of these complex interactions clearly indicates the importance of One Health defined as an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems.
  4. 2022 is an immensely productive and collaborative year for One Health – as the Tripartite became the Quadripartite, with the joining of UNEP, and with the formulation of the One Health Joint Plan of Action over the past year in fulfilment of respective Governing Bodies requests.
  5. The conclusions of the Working Group on Preparedness and Response to Health Emergencies (WGPR) and the establishment of the Intergovernmental Negotiation Body (INB) to draft and negotiate an international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response, should enable the Quadripartite to better support national governments for One Health implementation.
  6. We recognize the transformational potential of One Health for strengthening health and food systems and their resilience, and a holistic resource mobilization effort is required with financial investments among human, animal, plant and environment health sectors.
  7. The One Health implementation in crisis contexts is critical to the availability and delivery of health services, the strengthening of community-based approaches, and effective use of resources. Therefore, we cannot talk about peace without health.
  8. We can achieve One Health through new funding sources, as well as building on existing joint mechanisms such as the Antimicrobial Resistance MultiPartner Trust Fund and FAO Agri-food Systems and One Health Fund.
  9. We are committed to a common vision of better production, better nutrition, better environment, and better life with health, peace for all and leaving no one behind. 
  1. Thank you

Watch the pre-recorded message delivered by Mr. Dominique Burgeon to the WHA75 Six Plenary Session - Item 3 - General Discussion on 24 May 2022. FAO's statement starts on 3h44min20sec. Click here.

Related links:

FAO's work on Animal Health

FAO's work on Nutrition