FAO Liaison Office in Geneva

The International Year of Camelids 2024: Celebrating Cultural Heritage, Food Security, and Youth Engagement in Geneva

25/06/2024, Genf

To celebrate World Camel Day on 22 June 2024, a week-long exhibition from June 24-28 took place at the Serpent Bar, Palais des Nations. This celebration, organized by the FAO, together with the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Permanent Mission of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, and the United Nations Office at Geneva, highlighted the crucial role of camelids in local economies as sources of fibre, milk, and meat. The exhibition also represented the Geneva celebration of the International Year of Camelids 2024, aiming to raise awareness of the economic, social and cultural importance of camelids for millions of households in deserts and other arid and semi-arid lands of Africa and Asia and in the Andean highlands.

The High-level Exhibition Opening Celebration on June 25, 2024, featured keynote presentations on camelids’ importance to food security, nutrition, and economic growth, along with their cultural significance. It also put a spotlight on how youth is actively engaged in the celebration of the International Year of Camelids and how to engage young people to work in the camelid sector.

Heroes of deserts and highlands: Nourishing people and culture

Welcoming the participants, Maria Helena Semedo, FAO Deputy Director-General highlighted “Camelids contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals related to the fight against hunger, the eradication of extreme poverty, the empowerment of women, and the sustainable use of fragile ecosystems.” She added, “FAO, as the UN lead agency for the International Year, thanks the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Plurinational State of Bolivia for their critical support to this global campaign and for co-chairing its Steering Committee.”

Francesco Pisano, Director of the UN Library and Archives, Chairman of Cultural Activities, UN Geneva shared remarks in light of the International Year of Camelids 2024 exhibition opening celebration, highlighting UN Geneva's role to contributing towards positive change, by creating spaces and platforms to learn and exchange dialogues.

H.E. Ali Mohammad Alshaikhi, Assistant Deputy for Livestock and Fisheries of the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture of Saudi Arabia underscored that, camels, central to Saudi culture, provide resources such as milk, meat, fibre, organic fertilizer, and transport, thriving in some of the world’s most demanding environments. Under Saudi Vision 2030, the Kingdom is committed to preserving its heritage and supporting the camel sector, through key initiatives such as the annual King Abdulaziz Camel Festival.

H.E. Ambassador Maira Mariela Macdonal, Permanent Representative from the Permanent Mission of Bolivia highlighted that camelids play a crucial role in ensuring sovereign food security, nutrition and economic growth for many communities around the world. She also mentioned the importance of camelids in the historical, economic, social, cultural, spiritual and life of Indigenous Peoples and rural communities that have coexisted with these species for generations.

Ambassador Macdonal underscored that the International Year of the Camelids is an opportunity to work on identifying the potential to strengthen the primary productive base with an emphasis on transformation and commercialization, both in the textile industry, as well as the traditional food system, including the economic empowerment of women through pastoral work and use of fiber. The exhibition is part of different activities and events that are being held to raise awareness of the unique contribution of camelids to sustainability and human well-being around the world.

Julio Pinto, Animal Health Officer, FAO, provided an overview of the species of camelids and introduced the proclamation of the International Year of Camelids 2024. He pointed out that the livelihoods of many communities around the world depend on camelid products and services. He also noted that camelids contribute to the sustainable use of fragile terrestrial ecosystems and build resilience to climate change in mountains and dry lands.

Javier Bravo, Head of Youth Assembly, World Food Forum, underscored that empowering youth through advocacy and initiatives can raise awareness about the camelid sector, leading to increased investment in capacity development, research, and outreach. Both the camelid sector and youth are vital for achieving Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Zero Hunger, food security, and sustainable agrifood systems.

The interventions were followed by a detailed presentation of agricultural products displayed by the Permanent Missions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Plurinational State of Bolivia in their respective booths. Showcased products included Sadu tools and wool, showcasing the traditional art of weaving, as well as carpets and wall tassels from Saudi Arabia and Alpaca wool balls, gloves, hats, jackets, jumpers, shawls in natural and various colors from Bolivia.

The International Year of Camelids (IYC 2024)

The United Nations declared 2024 the International Year of Camelids (IYC 2024). The Year will highlight how camelids are key to the livelihoods of millions of households in hostile environments across over 90 countries, particularly Indigenous Peoples and local communities. From alpacas to Bactrian camels, dromedaries, guanacos, llamas, and vicuñas, camelids contribute to food security, nutrition and economic growth as well as holding a strong cultural and social significance for communities across the world.

The International Year of Camelids 2024 aims to build awareness of the untapped potential of camelids and to call for increased investment in the camelid sector, advocating for greater research, capacity development and the use of innovative practices and technologies.

The International Year was proposed by the Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia and approved by the UN General Assembly in 2017. Bolivia along with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, are playing a key role in its implementation.


Ki Jung Min, Communication Officer
[email protected]