FAO/WHO GIFT | Global Individual Food Consumption Data Tool

التقرير العالمي عن حالة البيانات الغذائية


We are pleased to announce the publication of the "Global report on the state of dietary data", prepared as a joint collaboration between the Food and Nutrition Division of FAO and the Intake Center for Dietary Assessment at FHI Solutions.  

The purpose of this report is to take stock and celebrate the collection and use of dietary data in LMICs, and generate further momentum for investment in dietary surveys in LMICs. 

Time-relevant data is a necessary and critical component of any process or initiative that aims to ensure healthy diets. Robust data on what people eat in a country enables an understanding of current food consumption practices, and provides an evidence-based foundation for the design and implementation of targeted and well-informed actions, policies and messaging to address the key issues related to healthy eating.  

FAO and Intake work synergistically to increase the availability and use of high-quality dietary data, particularly in LMICs, where there is currently a dearth of such data. 

Please check out the FAO/Intake joint report here.  

Enjoy the reading!