FAO Governing Bodies

202nd Session of the Finance Committee

11–15 November 2024 | Rome, Italy

List of Documents (FC 202)

Documents will be posted as soon as available

Main Documents
Document Symbol Title Job Number
FC 202/1 Provisional Agenda NP828
FC 202/2 Financial Position of the Organization
FC 202/3 Management Response to the Recommendations presented in the Report of the External Auditor for 2023
FC 202/4 Update on progress to develop a robust business plan and roadmap for efficiency gains and savings initiatives
FC 202/5 Update on analysis of funding to FAO – Risks, opportunities and transparency
FC 202/6 Assessment of Recruitment Process
FC 202/7 Update on Procedures for the Hiring of Consultants
FC 202/8 Outreach Strategy
FC 202/9 HR Strategy and Action Plan
FC 202/10 Report on Geographic Representation
FC 202/11.1 Progress Report on Implementation of Recommendations of the External Auditor
FC 202/11.2 Progress Report on Implementation of Recommendations of the FAO Oversight Advisory Committee
FC 202/13 Recommendation 7 of the JIU Report Review of the state of the investigation function: progress made in the United Nations system organizations in strengthening the investigation function (JIU/REP/2020/1)
FC 202/13 Add.1 Recommendation 7 of the JIU Report Review of the state of the investigation function: progress made in the United Nations system organizations in strengthening the investigation function (JIU/REP/2020/1) – Extract from the Report of the 121st Session of the CCLM
FC 202/14 Status of Outstanding Recommendations of the Finance Committee
C 2025 - Series
Document Symbol Title Job Number
C 2025/6 A Audited Accounts – FAO 2023
C 2025/6 B Audited Accounts – FAO 2023 – Part B – Report of the External Auditor
CL 176 - Series
Document Symbol Title Job Number
CL 176/3 Reviewed Strategic Framework 2022-31 and outline of Medium Term Plan 2026-29
CL 176/INF/5 Annual Report on Corporate Policy, Processes and Measures on the Prevention of Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
CL 176/13 Update on the implementation of the recommendations and draft Action Plan of the Report of the Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations System: Review of management and administration in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (JIU/REP/2023/5)
CL 176/16 Update on FAO’s collaboration with other UN system entities
FC 202/INF - Series
Document Symbol Title Job Number
FC 202/INF/1 Provisional Timetable
FC 202/INF/2 Status of Current Assessments and Arrears as at 30 June 2024
JM Series
Document Symbol Title Job Number
JM 2024.2/1 Provisional Agenda NP977