FAO Governing Bodies

29th Session of the Committee on Agriculture | 30 September – 4 October 2024

Written Correspondence Procedure

To provide more time for discussions in the Plenary, five Agenda items will be addressed through a written correspondence procedure (WCP). The “Note on the working methods of the Committee on Agriculture”, which includes the WCP, is included as an Annex to the Provisional Timetable (COAG/2024/INF/1).

Members are invited to submit any written inputs to [email protected] from Friday, 13 September to Friday, 20 September 2024, indicating “comments on WCP agenda items” in the subject line.

All inputs received will be published and the Secretariat will provide written responses, where necessary, which will be made available ahead of the Committee’s discussion of the item in the Plenary. Both the Members’ submissions and the responses from the Secretariat can be found below.

Item 2.8 - FAO’s Work in Nutrition (COAG/2024/13)
Members inputs - original languageMembers inputs - English translation

Secretariat response

Item 3.5 - Report of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) (COAG/2024/9)
Members inputs - original languageMembers inputs - English translation

Secretariat response

Item 4.2 - Implementation of the recommendations of the 28th Session of the Committee (COAG/2024/3)
Members inputs - original languageMembers inputs - English translation

Secretariat response

Item 4.3 - Multi-Year Programme of Work of the Committee (MYPOW) (COAG/2024/4)
Members inputs - original languageMembers inputs - English translation

Secretariat response

Item 4.4 - Proposal for an International Day of Milk (COAG/2024/15)
Members inputs - original languageMembers inputs - English translation

Secretariat response